Gender Bent Falls

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        Dipper Pines here, telling you what horrible thing has gone wrong this time. My twin sister, Mabel, found an incantation-spell-thing in Journal Three and she recited it without actually reading what it did. Long story short, I'm now a girl and she's a guy. This is different, way different from that body switching carpet that was in Soos' break room; We're still us...just differently "put together," if you will. When it happened, I could have sworn it only affected us, but I was wrong.

        "Mabel, what did you do?" I groaned for the seventh time as we entered the kitchen. There stood our Great Aunt "Stan" in the usual dingy, white tank top and a pair of blue striped sleep pants. She stood over the stove, poking at a glob of meat in a frying pan with a fork.

        "Hey, Graunt Stacy! I knitted a new hat last night! Look, it has a rocket ship on it!" Mabel happily exclaimed as if absolutely nothing had happened. At the sound of's voice, Stacy turned around, giving him a weird look. Her glasses had fallen somewhat down her plump, pink nose, and her brown eyes narrowed at Mabel as if he was crazy.

        "You get weirder every time I see you," she grumbled to herself, pushing her glasses back to their proper place. "Mathew, Dipper, you want food or what?" she then asked, removing her red fez and scratching the top of her head with the fork she was cooking with, causing multiple dandruff flakes to flurry from her messy, gray hair onto the meat glob in the pan.

        "Mathew" and I exchanged a disgusted look and disagreed. We both then walked out of the Mystery Shack only to bump into some girl who looked like Robbie V. "Either of you brats seen Wendell?" she asked, throwing her greasy black hair over her shoulder. It had to Robbie: she had the same heart sweatshirt, severely tight skinny jeans, and terrible attitude Robbie had. Plus, she was looking for "Wendell," who is most likely the male Wendy that broke up with her.

        "Can't you just take a hint, Robin? He doesn't like you," Mathew snapped, sounding particularly harsh.

        "That's only because your dopey sister made him think I was a liar," she replied, flipping my satisfyingly normal blue and white cap off my head. I flinched as she did so, my surprisingly long bangs getting into my eyes. Carefully, I swiped them back into their previous position, knowing that if Robin had seen my Big Dipper shaped birthmark she'd never let me hear the end of it. "Now, move aside, dweebs." With her final remark, Robin pulled Mathew's knit cap over his eyes as she walked off. As we both readjusted our hats, we heard Robin speak again: "Wendell! Babe! Can't we talk about us?"

        A strong male voice replied, belonging to Wendell. "There is no 'us,' Robin. Just drop it." A tall red headed guy quickly walked past us, freckles and all. He looked no different from Wendy, aside from a sturdier, more muscular build and shorter hair.

        After that strange occurrence, we walked into town. While there we saw Dani Corduroy, Wendell's buff mother; the female Manly Dan; Toni Determined, the female Toby; Old Lady McGucket, the female McGucket; and a few other random people we weren't associated with. Dani was showing her three daughters how to wreck a clothing store with unfair prices. Tonya, the female Tyler, was there, of course, cheering her trademark cheer: "Get 'em! Get 'em!" McGucket was just yelling and stomping around with a colander over her brown sun hat, telling people an alien invasion was on the horizon. Toni was interviewing the crazed woman, or at least trying to; McGucket kept spinning around in circles, hitting Toni and bystanders with her long, ghost white hair.

        It was strange to see everyone as someone else who looked almost exactly the same as themselves. Mathew, or Mabel, was completely calm about everything, like this was totally normal. I tried time and time again during the day to tell him what had happened, but he simply wouldn't listen. When we met up with his friends, Casey and Grendon, the male versions of Candy and Grenda, they all immediately dashed off to the arcade, leaving me to myself.

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