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Name: Y/n. Just Y/n.

Alias: Tron (Flashback)
            Rinzler (Current)

Occupation: Student (Flashback)

Age: 16 (Flashback)

Height: 5'7"(Flashback)

Gender: Male

Personality: Not much is known about Y/n's personality, but he mostly silent, usually communicating his aggression in an electronically distorted growl, but otherwise has little use for vocal communication, only talking to those who he deems "worthy", i.e. have his trust and respect.

Hair Colour: Brown.

Eye Colour: Yellow & Green (Left & Right), Orange (Both, when Quirk is active, along with red bags under eyes).


Suit Appearance (Without Mask; Including Eyes):

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Suit Appearance (Without Mask; Including Eyes):

Suit Appearance (Without Mask; Including Eyes):

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Suit Appearance (With Mask):

Suit Appearance (With Mask):

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Quirk: RiNzLeR

The subject is capable of absorbing and controlling digital projections. It is very versatile: it allows for both different approaches to combat and fast traversion, as well as being able to shatter into thousands of cubical voxels, which scatter on the ground like broken glass, upon touching. He also implements this into his weaponry, as to destroy anything he wants, whether he chooses to.


Drain Video - drain video from television sets, satellite dishes and other sources of video. Further training increase the amount of Video Y/n can hold at a time.

Quick Drain - a variation for Drain Video. Drains video with twice the speed.

Video Torrent - A basic attack that fires a continuous stream of pixelated projectiles.

Extended Torrent - Fires Video Torrent for a longer amount.

Narrow Band - Tightens the stream of Video Torrent and increases the range.

Bloodthirsty Blades - A powerful attack that hits a marked enemy with exploding digital blades.

Blade Flurry - Launches a larger number of Bloodthirsty Blades during each shot.

Blade Storm - Launches an even larger amount of Blades than Blade Flurry.

Video Surge - Video variant of the dash move. It gives Y/n a pair of digital wings, allowing him to swiftly swoop across the city.

Hovering Fire - Allows the user to shoot while hovering in the air.

Air-Wave - Increases the potency of the Video Thrusters. Which allows them to gain forward momentum or keep Y/n in the air for longer amounts of time.

Double Air Surge - Allows Y/n to perform Video Surge twice while in the air.

Signal Boost - Allows Y/n to launch into the air during a Video Surge.

Enhanced Invisibility - Bestows Y/n with the ability to subdue an enemy without becoming visible again. 

Extended Invisibility - Increase the time Y/n remains invisible.

Summon Wingman - Summons one Angel or Demon while activating Shroud of Invisibility.

Demon Twins - Summon two Demons while activating Shroud of Invisibility.

Unholy Trinity - Summon three Demons at once while activating Shroud of Invisibility.

Hellfire Swarm - Y/n's Ultimate Move.

Weakness: Overuse will cause Y/n to drain his energy, which requires recharging. Also, his powers are useless in water, as they cancel out his power for some reason, as they are a subproduct of electrokinesis.

Furthermore, Y/n can also harness his own lifeforce and convert it into more potent energy. However, if he overuses this, it will eventually drain out, ultimately dying.


Identity Discs: Y/n Identity Discs are a twin pair of identity discs. One is his original disc, while the other was gained in combat. Together, they can combine to form a single disc, or they can be used separately (when in close combat, Y/n uses them both in roughly the same manner as bladed knuckle dusters).

Light Sword: The Light Sword, also known as a Katana, is one of many weapons, formed by a baton. The baton becomes the hilt of the weapon, while Y/n's Video energy is channelled into forming a blade of light.

Light Staff: A staff used for hand-to-hand combat weapon generated from a baton, resulting in a weapon similar to a "bo staff".




Further information regarding the subject's equipment will be provided later on.

Misc: Y/n's voice is not organic. Having lost it in a confrontation, he now has an artificial larynx, implanted in the throat. Via intracranial implant, he can modify his voice to his liking, allowing him to either mimic someone or that he can lower his tone to intimidate someone. Also, the reason for his heterochromia is that in his youth, at 16 years of age, he lost his left eye in a confrontation, losing it along with his parents, after a villain raid. Having received a new eye, and undergoing torture by the villains, his mind broke, and so he was "repurposed", as one of their greatest assassins. He was infamous for many murders, as well as assisting in the murder of the Water Hoses, and the murder of Nana Shimura. He does not murder for satisfaction, but more for vengeance, as said heroes left him for dead, or neglected him, or crushed his dreams and such. But should it be someone close to him, he will spare them, but not hesitate to harm them.




Pick a pairing - Has to be an adult.


Mt. Lady



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Mirko (Rabbit Hero)

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Ms Joke



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