The Song

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"Oh come on don't be so mean~"
"Felix, what do you want? Can't you see I'm working?"
"Yeah , but you are here closed up for almost 24 hours . I think it's time for you to go back to the dorm and rest. You can still continue tomorrow ~"
"Ah Lix listen I am almost done here, I will go back to rest after I finish this. And in the meantime you go back to the dorm, eat , wash up and go to sleep like a good kid you are , okay?"
"Aish!! Fine but so you know this is the last time it goes your way !"
I said with a pout as he reached his hand out and ruffled my hair messing them up.
"Aigo~ okay okay now don't pout."
"Oof bye Hyung ~"
I waved at him, not leaving a second without looking at him while closing th door .

'What am I gonna do about him ? Really now he is pushing himself too much! Just for a song , which on top of that won't tell me what it's about . Well I know have realized in my own that it's not just any song for 3racha or stray kids neither just for fun . But I have come to the conclusion that it's for someone. A special one. Which saddens me , truth be told. Anyway, i don't know and I don't care !'

~Back at the dorms~

"Hey , he still refuses to comeback?"
"Yeah, and with all honesty I don't care anymore , let him rot until he is satisfies. I am done trying to convince him , you do it instead!"
I said entering to my room and shuted the door behind me before anyone could say anything to me .


"What's gotten into him ?"
WooJin asked to particularly no one
"Well , don't you know him ? Every time ChangBin is  not giving him attention or listening to him he becomes like this . He probably feels that he is annoying ChangBin and the he is sad . But at the moment he is mad , really mad !"
Chan responded to WooJin who's attention was fully on what Chan said trying to understand the younger's behaviour.
"Okay I can understand being sad ... But mad of all people ... Felix mad , it just  doesn't add up."
"I can relate to your thoughts. I was thinking the exact same thing as you until I finally came to understand him ."
"Care to share your conclusion with me?"
"But of course, it's actually pretty simple . Lee Felix likes SeoChangBin. Simple as that. "
"Yeah I think we all know that , expect from ChangBin whose too oblivious for his own good, but that's more of a reason for him to be sad not mad."
"Okay , let me ask you a question , what has  ChangBin been doing the past few weeks with so much passion ?
"He's been writing a song . Which specifically isn't for your unit neither for our album ."
" Yeah but Felix knowing that's it's not for this purpose and also knows that this song isn't being made just for his passing time-"
"Ohhh~ now I understand ! He is jealous because he thinks that this song is made for someone and on top of that a special someone, with he thinks that's not him!"
"It took you a bit but yeah. You must be really tired to not have noticed it when I first said it. Come on , I will cook you something and then we are going to bed."


ChangBin's POV~

"I'm back. "
'Ah to whom am I talking to ? They are all probably already fast asleep.'
Before going to bed I did my daily night routine . I didn't eat , I was too stressed out with the song I was working on. I want it to be finished fast but not sloppily. It's a very important song, and I want him to hear it.'

Felix's POV

"Good morning. "
"Good morning!" ×7
"Ah~ let me guess...he left early back to the studio?"
"Wait , let me rephrase that did he even come back yesterday?"
"Yes, he did comeback , but we were all asleep by then. And he left a while ago. "
"Argh ! I don't care! Just let him faint from starvation and over exhaustion!"
I said angrily , sat down and started eating fast.
When I got up to take my plate back to the sink I realized that the members were looking at him strangely.
"Can I ask why do you all look at me like that ?"
"Well... we're just worried about you . That's all ."
Chan hyung said worry clear in his face also to all the others members too.
"Look , I'm perfectly fine . And now if you would excuse me , I'm going to dance. Bye~"
I waved at them with the most sincere smile I could at this situation.

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