the beging of summer

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it was the first day of summer break and five girls who's names were Madison paige Ryan weep Hope calestood Gianni reed and Brenda hopesteed sit outside on Brendas back porch drinking lemonade talking about boy's and trying to get tan nothing had ever felt better. The summer would be so fun getting into trubble flirting with boy's staying out all night and best of all spending evry second with each other.

hey Ryan said as brenda took Ryan's glasses of her head give them back Ryan said swishing her blond curly hair to face Brenda. Nope Brenda said not until you agree to go to the lake fine Ryan said ill go .All the other girls got up and started to yell excitedly. And Ryan started to complain why do we need to go to the lake she said annoyed . Madison whipped her blue eyes around to face Ryan and said are you seriously going to ask that question yes I am Ryan said and then madison replied and said well for one thing the cutest boy's are there then Ryan quickly replied yes but so is Adriana and her friends. And all of the sudden the girls sat back down on the porch chairs and sighed .They new they couldent go to the lake when Adriana was there she was the most popular girl in school and for some reason really hated all of the girls.All the girls sat there In silence tell hope stood up and said who cares her green eyes dazzling in the sun light

and then Gianni stood up and said I agree and so did evry one else so the girls got dressed and got in Brendas car and went to the lake when the girls got there they looked around and then ryan pointed out that Adriana and her friends were at the lake and then madison said who cares were all ready here her blue eyes dazzling and as soon as Adriana saw them the dazzle in Madison's eyes faded oh look loser alert Adriana says loud so evryone could here her and almost evryone laughed at them it was so embarrassing all the girls just walked out of the way and sat on the ground there summer was good until the girls saw Adriana

then the summer alwys ended up this way Adriana ruind it she ruined any boyfriends they had evrything and anything good in there life and why they did not no the girls were sitting down on the rocks close to the lake talking about crushes when gianna said why does Adriana haft to be so mean all the girls looked at her like she was crazy for bringing up what had just happened what gianna said what we cant pretend it didnt happen her cheeks flushing with embarrassment well we can sure try madison said then the girls herd foot steps and when they looked over they were surprised at what they saw a grope of boys popular boys no less were standing next to them a

hello you can go away now madison said in a shy yet mad voice look we now that Adriana is mean to you but you guys are cool one of the boys said it was madisons crush landon here you are all invited to a party tonight at my house will you pleas just come hope stood up and said yes we will be there she was looking at her crush Bruce the whole time see ya there landon said the boys went back to were they were sitting and the girls started to giggle with excitement and then they were snapped out of there thoughts of what had just happed to them by Adriana standing next to them all the girls looked at her until she said you are not coming to the party in a loud voice yes we are Brenda said in a even louder voice no your not ill make sure of it all the girls stood up and then Adriana said you will always be losers madison gave her a look and punched Adriana straight in the mouth she was bleeding the girls didnt no what to do so Ryan just started running to the car and all the girls quickly followed behind her

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