Edge Of The Ocean

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I watched as the last of the turtles in our boat was released back into the Ocean , laughed as it swam away so fast as if it couldn't wait to get away from us.

Turning to my friends as we congratulated each other for another job well done.

I remember when I first saw sea turtles, I was mesmerised by everything they did from the way they swam to even how they ate.

From that moment I dedicated myself to them.

It was love at first sight.

As a free diver, the Ocean is my life, my Eden, a place where I could be free without having to worry about anything.

Now that life is dissipating, my dream slowly turning into a nightmare.

The number of sea animals turning up dead daily is alarming.

Its either turtles, seagulls, seals, or even fish.

All because of Plastics

There are everywhere ranging from, plastic bags to baskets to car tires to nets all dumped in the Ocean destroying precious lives.

It makes me wonder if plastics are even still recycled.

Over the past few months, more dead and almost dead turtles have been washed up on shore.

We had one checked and it was discovered to have a plastic wrap in its gut probably because it mistook it to be food.

The sun was setting as we got back to land.

The beach was littered again with a few people lingering around picking up and sorting out the garbage.

"Why can't they pick up their trash?", I ask myself this question every time I come here.

Even with the signs placed around banning littering, they still find a way to do it.

When the tides comes , it takes everything in it's way along with it, the litter included .

We might see it as just one but when one plastic wrap or bottle is dumped by each person it becomes millions.

We humans seem to forget that the Ocean is alive and it houses so many lives that we keep strangling , the lives are forced to endure things that are harmful to them.

We can stop this

We can start all over again

Go back to the world we used to know.

Change is possible but it starts with us.

Here it is, to all of you participating I wish you all the best ❤️👍🏽.
You will do great, remember its for a good cause.

Edge of the Ocean #PlanetorPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now