Fatal Destiny

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Hello all you wonderful readers. I don't wish to bore you with boring intros so I'm going to cut straight to the chase. Most of these amazing characters do not belong to me but to the awesome people who created the DC COMICS. I hope you enjoy this story and also remember to like and comment! Thank you (:


Night. A time for predators to come out and hunt. But who preys upon the pradators- and where? 

The Thomas and Martha Wayne Memorial Park. A civic monument of two of Gotham City's most beloved citizens. A playground with swing sets and teeter-totters, picnic tables and baseball diamonds, fountains, statues, a forested arboretum. In better times, it had been a place where families spent lazy afternoons together. 

A place for families like the one they no longer had. 

Now the once- bubbling fountains were empty basins to catch windblown leaves. The dense trees in the patch of forest were skeletal and frightening, like props for a scary movie. Garbage littered the walking paths. Weeds choked the baseball diamonds. 

Some of Gotham City's citizens shook their heads at how the son and daughter of Thomas and Martha Wayne had allowed the park to fall into such a horrible place to come and visit now. With their millions, Bruce Wayne and Annabelle Wayne could certainly afford to make the park a fine place again. 

But they had other ideas. 

This place attracted the dregs and bottom feeders of society. 

They viewed it as a trap. As bait. 

For the past year and a half since Bruce had had first donned the uniform, his crusade had been to clean up Gotham City, a gloomy place that attracted more clouds than sunshine. Although this place had wounded both of them deeply, they loved it nevertheless. They saw the beauty hidden beneath the warts and scabs. The promise. They knew what Gotham could become, and they both had to do something to help. 

While Bruce patrolled the park just after midnight, a time when punks, muggers, murderers, and rapists were abroad, looking for fresh victims, fresh blood. Society's predators abounded. He preyed on the predators. 

And with the help of his younger sister keeping a look out from the batcave nothing could possibly go wrong. With the super computer Annabelle was able to access all of Gotham City's video cameras anywhere she wished this of course helped keep her brother safe from any upcoming attacks coming his way if she could see them.

"There's not much activity tonight- well besides that bearded guy clutching his brown paper as though it contained treasure."  

Tonight was one of those nights I just wished i was laying in my bed catching up with my favorite shows or finishing papers that needed signing for the company.  

"Just keep an eye on everything Annabelle."  

Bruce's voice come thru the intercom. 

"Alright alright keep your pants on, don't worry I'm watching." 

Movement from camera number eight catched her eye. Four young toughs, looking as if they had just stepped out of a government poster warning against juvenile delinquency. 

"Do you see them??" I asked 

"Yes. Check any other movement around them." 


Scanning the ten cameras I caught a seedy- looking man on a park bench glance at his watch, obviously waiting for someone. There was nothing else on the other eight cameras so i went back to the man sitting at the bench. After a few moments, a dissolved stranger casually took a seat next to him, as if they were simply two men arriving in the middle of the night to feed pigeons in the park. After conversing in low voices, they exchanged envelopes. this of course alarmed me. If it weren't for the fact that it was in a place were most of the crimes started i would have ignored it. 

"Bruce, it should be on your left, but those two men sitting on the bench just exchanged envelopes."  

"Going back to the four men by the tree talking is hush voices just got me to start feeling as if something bad was going downs.  

"I'm not liking this." 

"You don't have to like it you just have to keep your head and emotions clear and ready for anything."  

He was right if something happened to him because i didn't keep myself in-check i would never forgive myself. 

The night of my parents deaths came back to my mind as if everything that happened years ago just happened yesterday. Her dad's voice soothing as he tried to keep the attacker calm, and then the gun shot along with my mom's screams... 

Suddenly, in the park, a women's screams startled me from my thoughts. Silently I cursed myself for letting my brother and I's obsession distract me at a crucial moment. Weak. Angered. I needed to focus! 

On camera five i saw my my brother, batman, fighting off the toughs. One was already knocked out and the other two were still trying to fight him. Movement from behind him caught my eye. 

"Behind you!" Watching as Batman made a quick movement turning he caught the guy and gave him a kick to the face knocking him out immediately. The women as finally unfreezing reached into her coat before i could react to warn him she caught me off guard. 

"Gotham CIty PD freeze, Batman!" One of the men who was fighting Batman pulled out a badge while the other guy pulled out his gun. This was all a trap! 

"Get out of there now!" I screamed into the microphone.  

The women released her german shepard which i had just noticed. Watching as Bruce used the muscles of his thighs and back, he threw off the dog, but it bounded toward him again. 

"I said freeze!" The women said. "You're under arrest." 

Movement from all ten cameras caught me. Police men were running to were Batman was at. 

"Bruce just get out theres more cop coming towards you!!!" 

With a flourish, he swirled the weighted, scalloped hem of his cape, knocking the revolver out of her hand, then bolted toward the shelter of the arboretum and the concealing shadows of the trees.


Hope you enjoyed the begining of this story! Dont forget to like it up and leave comments so i can make it a book you'll love reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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