Can you hear the oceans plea?

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    Hello. I am the ocean. I surround your land and homes. My waves beat apon your shore, and sparkle in the light of the sun and moon. My turquoise waters hold many treasures, the indigo depths hide the wonders of the deep. You've explored me, and seen the animals and plants, the creatures that call me home.

  But have you seen the waste?

   The plastic, rubber, oil, chemicals and trash? The plastic that strangles my fish, turtles, and seals? The rubber that chokes my birds, corals, and sharks? The oils that block the playful sunbeams and deprive my seaweed of light, coating my seals with deadly toxins? The trash that is slowly - yet quickly - Killing me?

   Do you see it?

   You dump fourteen billion pounds of your unwanted waste into my salty waters every year. That's one-point-five million pounds per hour. Twenty five thousand pounds every minute. 

    Every minute, it gets worse.

    Every minute, you allow twenty five thousand pounds more to strangle my animals, and trash to slowly fill my waters.

    But it doesn't have to be this way. 

    Do you see it?

    You don't have to let these wastes into my seven oceans.

    We can work together.  Every time you toss out a plastic straw, bag, cup, or product, you can keep it for reaching me. You can keep it from strangling my fish, choking my birds, starving my seaweed, chemicals from poisoning my colorful fish, or killing me slowly.

    You can reuse what you use once. That plastic bottle can be refilled. That straw can be replaced by a paper one. That plastic wrap can be recycled. You can do it, a little more each day. Your effect can influence others to do the same, like a ripple in a pond.

    One person can make a difference.

    Let it be you.

    Next time you hear my waves pound your shores, and see the sparkle of the sun and moon, hear my plea.

     Make a change.

Can You Hear the Ocean's Plea? #PlanetorPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now