Let's play family!

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It was a dark Wednesday, it was winter time to be exact.

Natsu, Hinata's little sister, was in her room playing with her dolls, when her mother, Ryuka Hinata, entered her little daughter's room:

- Natsu.

- Yes mom?

- I'm going out with some friends, if Shoyo arrives from school, tell him I'll be back in a few hours and he'll be in charge until i get back, understand?

- Yes mom!

Ryuka hugged her daughter and gave her a loud kiss on the cheek, to which the little girl laugh, she was as ticklish as her brother.

A few minutes passed after Ryuka left the house and the doorbell rang, to which Natsu race as fast as light down the stairs to the door and opened it, shouting:

- Onii-Chan!

- Natsu!

Hinata hugged her little sister, and she laughed again as she separted

- Wah, Onii-chan, you left me all soaked!

- S-Sorry, it's raining!

From the door came a dark figure, who stood behind Hinata:

- Excuse me if I interrupt your family reunion, but i'm getting wet!

A while later ...

- Wah, I'd love to meet Suga Senpai!

- Surely you'll like he, he's like mom, but less dangerous!

Kageyama could not suppress a smile, those two gave him a lot of softness.

- I was playing with my dolls, Ah! Mama left with her friends and said you would be in charge until she comes back -Natsu said.

- Again in charge, great!

- Well, since it's raining and I think I'm going to stay for the night, do you want to play something?

Natsu nodded energetically, while Hinata looked at him in horror, Kageyama playing? He wanted to see that.

- Well, what do you want to play?

- Let's play with the dolls!

- No no, Natsu, that's really girly - Hinata answered.

- How about hide and seek? - Kageyama commented.

- Natsu is afraid of dark, so no.

They were silent, nobody was coming out with an idea of what to play ... Until:

- What if we play the family?

Hinata and Kageyama looked at the little girl who had spoken, play the family?

- How do you play that, Natsu?

- It's very easy, we pretend that we are family, Onii-Chan can be the mother, Tobio can be the father and I'm the daughter!

- B-But Natsu, that means that Kageyama and I should get married!

Natsu was thoughtful, it was true, but ... She was a very smart girl:

- No problem, between mom's thing there's her wedding video with dad, you can do the same!

Natsu when to search for the film inside her mother's bedroom and when she found it, she went down the stairs and place the cassette in the VHS; by the way, she also took a white tablecloth and give it to her brother:

- For what is this?

- It's your dress!

- Dr-dress?

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