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"Mom, I don't understand why we have to move again! Why can't you just stay with ONE guy?!" I scream.

My mom rolls her eyes and sends me upstairs to pack.

Hi, I'm Maggie Lindemann. I'm 17 and I live in Florida. My mom is selling our house to move to LA. She can't keep a boyfriend/ fiancé. To me, it's quite annoying. Anyway, back to the story.

I go upstairs and pack. I can't believe my mom. She's such a bitch. Why can't we just stay HERE? Why can't they move here? Yes, they. I hear my moms new man has three kids. Ones 15, one is 13, and the oldest one is 18. I don't know how this is going to work but if those little kids fuck my life up, there gonna be dead.

~time skip to LA~

We get off the plane and head to baggage claim. My mom calls her "boyfriend" to come pick us up. Whenever he gets here I see the whole family in the car.

"Come on Maggie, come meet the kids, and your stepfather." I roll my eyes and walk towards the car.

They all get out and greet us.

"This is my daughter Maggie, Maggie say hello." My mom says.

I wave at them and they introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Marisa, I'm 15. This is my brother Tyler, he's 13. The 18 year old is Jack, he's not here. He's with his stupid friends. But, it's very nice to meet you!" She says hugging me.

I smile a genuine smile. Maybe she isn't that bad. We get Into the car and we start talking about, well, everything.

~time skip to house~

We pull up and I see a HUGE house.

My eyes go wide and Marissa laughs

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My eyes go wide and Marissa laughs. We get out and walk inside. Marissa leads me to my room.


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"Oh my god! This is amazing!" I squeal

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"Oh my god! This is amazing!" I squeal.

Marissa laughs. "Okay, well I have softball in an hour so I have to go get ready. Bye Maggie!" She says walking out.

I unpack everything and lay down to get some rest.

Today was a good day!


Hi guys! So this is my first Jack Gilinskey story! I hope you enjoy this. Make sure to vote and comment! Bye guys!!!💕✨

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