Welcome New Kid

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I try to catch some sleep as I'm in history class. I dream of some asteroid that is going to hit earth and killed 3,000 people.

The phone rings as I go into a light sleep. My teacher say that it's for me. I swipe the phone away before he could add any annoying comment.

"Yes, yes, I know a asteroid is going to kill us all," I say sarcastically. My Mom who is on the other end says enthusiastically as ever, "You go kick ass as you usually do!"

I go up to the Black Wing's roof. I feel the wind whip through my fingers as I distinguish the threat. I go to my dorm room afterwards sleepily.

Right now I'm at a place that my father named the Black Parade, a song that he listened to before he chose the name. He was the one who motivated me to help him make the organization. He had a big imagination, so in his mind he created the Black Wing and horribly drew it on paper, it took me a minute or so to make it look more realistic in my brain though.

Everyone is categorized based on their power or ability. The saxophones are the speedy students, who mostly show off. The clarinets are mostly gloomy at times since their powers are weak, or it doesn't help them at all in their lives. Now,since there isn't going be too much of powerful students so far, I'm the only flute.

Getting back to my story...

As I was laying there trying to fall asleep my oldest and dearest childhood best friend, Katey or what almost everyone calls her; Beastly, walks into my room. I sigh, becoming irritated of this vexation since I couldn't get my privacy.

She looks at one of my mangas, Fruits Basket and starts reading it.

I say, "Come on Beastly, can you just leave me alone for just one day when I can relax for saving everyone." Ignoring me she looks at the manga more intensely.

To make her get out of my room I say, "Do you want a treat or not? I mean if you leave me alone when I'm sleeping I'll let you have this treat." I wave it around.

Beastly grows a tail and dog ears within seconds. Beastly is an electric guitar, an a human that can turn into any animal, even if it was extinct. She is one of the rare guitars, she acts like an animal sometimes now, she used to give into her animal temptations more often when she was younger.

Thinking about it she chases her tail to think, much like how someone paces around the room to think.

After five minutes she pouts, her cheeks getting all puffy and says, "Fine."

I toss it to her and say, "I love you." She says back to me, "I love you too."

After thirty minutes after she left I fall into the wonderful abyss of sleep. Or so I thought.

I woke up and jolted out of bed, sweaty with fear. There are several reasons why I don't go to sleep at night. I sometimes go into the mind's of other experiencing their dreams and how they react to them.

Usually when I went to sleep I would sleep during the day and when I did I would make my own little world where I was a normal or somewhat normal person. No abilities no life threatening responsibilities.

Not this dream though. I'm guessing that I went in the mind of a transfer student since he was a full on psychic. He's going through some of his memories until he reached the present, now that he got his powers, since he had a normal childhood.

Looking at the clock, I see that is 4 past 6 o'clock. Time to get up. I'm already wishing that the day was at an end. I wish I don't need to be in class at all, especially with kids who mostly annoy me. They look at me as if I'm some disgusting, as if they're jealous or afraid of me because of my powers. Some of them don't even look at me.

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