1 - Laini - My New Home

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I took a deep breath as I looked up at the giant black building that loomed over me. I stood at the gate which had the kanji 愛の絶望. 'Love Despair', their motto. I took another breath. I knew I wouldn't fit in.

I had my pink cherry blossom dress on, spaghetti straps covered by a white sweater. White pumps and my leather purse at my side. My brown eyes clashed against my pale skin. But none of this is what got me to stand out.

It was my strawberry blonde hair that did that. The blonde in a world of brown and blacks. I stuck out like a sore thumb.

I knew from my sister that she had been made fun of for her hair. I lived with my aunt in America, though. I was saved from the torture.

I took my final breath of fresh air and walked into the building. It felt cold, smelt and tasted cold too if that makes sense. People were walking back and forth, up and down stairs. It felt like any normal office building.

"Team Danganronpa e yōkoso! How may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked as I approached.

"I'm here to meet with Tsumugi Shirogane, I was invited to join the character division?" I said.

"You're the new recruit? Laini Akamatsu?"

I nodded.

"Fifth floor, last room, at the end of the hall," she gave me an elevator key card.

I took it with a smile and stepped into the elevator. I pressed five and swiped my card. I recognized the first season's theme playing as the music. It was nice.

I did as the lady had told and walked to the end of the hall. I knocked and was greeted to the one and only.

Tsumugi was beautiful. Blue eyes, silver glasses, pale skin, she often wore a long blue wig to add to her beauty. She was wearing a black skirt and white button-up shirt, covered by a black blazer. She also had red heels, along with the Team Danganronpa pin everyone wore. She smiled and took my hand. "Akamatsu-san! It is very nice to finally meet you!" She spoke in a soft yet friendly voice.

"You too, Shirogane-sama. You're basically a celebrity here, from what I can tell."

"Yeah," she blushed. "Let's get to your job, shall we?"

"Of course."

She sat behind her desk, signaling me to sit in the chair in front. I followed instructions.

"From the online interview, you have watched Danganronpa, Yes?"

"Despite living in America, I did. My favorite season is still the 26th one," I nodded.

"That is a favorite of many. Chino is probably the most loved character in the series," she smiled.

"Remember when he saved Tonca from the execution? So good!"

"Right? The plot creators didn't even SEE that coming," the girl laughed. "So, we did decide you would be in the character division. You'll be helping creator characters for season 53, which has yet to be given a name."

"How many have been created?" I asked.

"Three, actually. Early auditions gave us creativity. A robot that wants to be human, an ignorant space cadet, and a stubborn assassin."

"Assassin, robot? Woah," I smiled.

"I know, right?" She smiled back. "You will start work tomorrow. Here's your key to your dorm."

"Dorm?" I questioned, taking the key.

"Yes, you will share a room with a fellow character creator. She's my second-in-command, so I trust you will be in good hands. The dorms are in the basement level."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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