Chapter 1

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'My eyes burn!' She yelled as she came back to the surface. I was currently surfing with my sister, just a late night dip. All the free time after the hectic time after school was treating me right.
'Just breathe, yeez calm your ass Sam!' I laughed as I helped my sister back on her board. The water was dark and the sun almost disappeared.
'Let's go out anyways, it's getting dark' I said and paddled back to the beach. The sand was getting cold and made me shiver as I grabbed my bag and towel. I threw a hoodie over my bikini and looked behind me.
'I'm tired!' Sam whined and threw her board on the sand.
'Hey hey be careful, those boards were from dad!' I snapped, grabbing mine to walk to my truck. Sam rolled her eyes and followed me. The asphalt was still warm from todays hot sun. I tied the boards on top of my car and threw the bag in the back.
'Let's go home' I said as I plugged my phone in the aux.
'We're going to listen to your music?' Sam let her head fall on the back of the seat.
'Sam it's still my car, i'm driving' I said playfully poking her stomach. She laughed and I drove the two of us home.

Hi, let me introduce myself real quick. I'm Dawn Clarks, 17 and live in Venice Beach. I live there with my mom Debby, my sister Sam and our dog Ruffle. My dad, is gone, we rather don't talk about him. Not in a bad way, it's just not a topic we like to talk about here in the houshold.
As long as I can remeber our whole family surfs. My dad, grandparents and my uncles. My mom doesn't like the beach as much as my dad did, but that was okay. As long his children loved salty curls and sandy toes, he was happy. My sister is 15, and doesn't look like me at all. I have tan skin, it almost looks like i'm a foreigner. I have short dark brown hair, extremely culry. My eyes are green and I have on dimple in my cheek on the left side of my face. My eyebrows are dark, making people think i'm angry all the time. I'm not tall but definitely not short. Also i'm a skinny legend. I try my hardest to gain weight but all the surfing isn't helping. My sister on the other hand has dark brown eyes, lighter skin and lighter hair. My mom is blonde with blue eyes while my dad had black hair and dark eyes. I guess I look more like my dad and Sam more like my mom.

We live in a house 5 minutes away from the beach. It's small but we have a garden, what makes outdoor people like me very happy. Next door lives my best friend Maddie. We've been friends since kindergarten and she's just my soulmate. She also has a younger sister and an older brother. My mom and hers are besties too what makes everything a lot easier. Her little sister is friends with mine and her brother treats me like his third sister. Maddie's dad is the nicest man on this planet and absorbs me in his family. So you can say i'm a happy person living my best life.

'Maddie asked if you wanted to sleep over tonight' My mom said as she placed a cup of tea in front of me. We sat in the garden, little lights everywhere and me and mom made a fire outside. We were cuddled up in a beanbag.
'But tomorrow surfcamp starts and then I will sleep with Maddie for two weeks together, I wanna stay home tonight' I answered my mom. She nodded and smiled, brushed through my dark curls.
'You have your dads hair' She said suddenly.
'I know ma' I said, dreaming away.
'You want to help you pack for camp?'
'I only need bikinis and lots of sweaters, I think i'm good!' I snickered. My mom smiled and laid her head on top of me. We continued watching the fire.

'So I heard this year a lot of new people are joining!' Maddie said exited as we walked with our family's to the bus. Me and Maddie have been going to literally every camp so far and know everyone. So meeting new people is always a plus.

'Have fun lady's' Maddie's mom said.
'We don't have to say anything more, it's just like every other year!' My mom laughed. I gave my suitcase to the busdriver and kissed my mom on the cheek.
'I saw a cute boy walking in the bus' She whispered as I hugged her.
'Mom!' I whined.
'What, he looked nice, your age, curly hair. Totally your type' She went on.
'Mom, i've never had a boyfriend, how do you know what my type is' I said rolling my eyes as I gave my backpack another good swing around my shoulder.
'I don't know, it was just a thought' She smiled and kissed my forhead.
'Have fun with Mads and the other girls, make some new friends and don't let the sharks bite!' My mom yelled after me as I stepped into the bus. Maddie already settled in the back, were we always sat. I glanced at her and she patted on the spot next to her. I tried to find a curly headed boy, maybe my mom was right. And yes, he sat in front of Maddie. With a friend, totally Maddie's type though! He looked up as I passed him and gave me a quick smile. I smiled back and hurried to my spot.
'He's cute!' Maddie whispered as she grabbed my arm to come closer.
'I know, this is the first time cute boys are tagging along!' I whispered back.
'You know we can hear you right?' The boy in front of Maddie turned around. He had ocean eyes, you would definitely disappear in those if you stare too long. Maddie fizzled on her blonde long hair and opened her mouth to say something. But Maddie has always been shy towards new people. So I gave the boy a nod and gave him a hand.
'Dawn' I smiled.
'Daniel!' He said, showing his teeth.
'Nice gap you have there' I blurted out.
Maddie gasped next to me but Daniel let out a laugh.
'Nice dimple you have there!' He said back, making me playfully roll my eyes at him. The boy with the curls finally turned around and meeted my eyes. His were brown, with green sparkles in them.
'I'm Jack' He said kindly, shaking my hand.
'Dawn' I replied smiling, feeling my stomach warm up as I saw his frown by hearing my name.
'This is Maddie, my best friend' I said, introducing her. She was curled up in her seat, nervously waiting for someone to make this move. She smiled awkwardly at the grinning boys and waved smallish.
'Omg Mad they don't bite!' I laughed and pulled her forwards to shake hands with them.
'Unless you want us to!' Daniel said, winking at Maddie. She blushed and bit the inside of her cheek. I rolled my eyes at her back and I heard Jack laugh.
'She is the shy one I see!' He said scoffing.
'Untill she's comfortable with you, i'll give you cover' I smiled and looked at him through my lashes. I saw him eying me up and down from his seat.
'Take a pic, it'll last longer' I grinned.
'Sorry didn't mean that' He said, now shifting uncomfortable in his seat.
'Don't worry, I like what I see too' I said underneath my breath. He let out a muffled laugh and turned back around.

Daniel and Jack. Iconic duo I thought. They're going to give me and Maddie a hard time concentrating on the guide this camp...

WHATS UP YALL? like what you read huh? i literally thought long about this idea but i think i can pull it off ig.

btw the main character Dawn is NOT I SAY NOT inspired by Gabbie or something. when i read it again i thought of the fact that i made her look like her but i didn' thought a split second of Gabbie while writing this but maybe it stands out a bit that way.

xx ly

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