Chapter 1: The Glade

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As soon as I woke up I straight away noticed the smell, it wasnt sweat but it wasn't water. I then saw that I was in a box, a metal rusty box. With boxes and bags of stuff. The box was moving upwards. "Hello!" I shouted out. No reply. "HELLO!" I tried again, I couldn't remember anything not even my name. At that moment the box jolted to a stop with a big creak. I stood up and sighed. "I hope that lid isn't heavy!" Man I just realised that I was talking to myself. Anyway I stood up and reached up for the lid. It was light as a feather! I hauled myself up and took a look at where I was. All I could see was green land, there was a forest to my right and a little lake to my left I decided to jump back in the box and camp there for the night. I looked at the bags and boxes and decided to take a look inside them. I made a list on what I had.

 2 blankets

Some rope

10 packets of seeds 2 carrot, 2 apple, 1 potato, 3 pear, 1 strawberry and 1 Blue berry.

2 chickens 

A mirror 

Wait a mirror what will I need that for? Meh.

An axe

A shovel

Heaps of nails.

A hammer

3 tubs of water

An extra change of clothes 

And some pots and pans

And a bucket.

When I finished unpacking everything I went to set up my bed, I decided that there was no point on sleeping in the box so I took my axe and went to chop some wood, the axe was a good one and I started to wonder where I was. I could see walls that's all I could see if I looked up. Then I saw 2 big doors that were swung open, something was telling me that something was out there but I forced myself to keep going over to the woods.

I realised that I had to make a little pen for the chickens and a little hut for me. I collected some wood only to realise that I had to plant the seeds. So I put the wood task on a halt and went to plant the seeds. I grabbed my shovel and started to plant the seeds. I then built a little pen which took me a few eternity's I started to make my bed, I then went over to the woods again then I heard a big sudden creak, the doors were closing, I actually forgot about them until now. The doors were closing fast. I shuddered when the doors closed I don't want to be in there for a night! I snuggled up into my hammock with my blanket and I just lay down there. I just kept trying to answer my own questions. "Wait what can I call this place? The box? Naa that's the other boxes name." And there I was talking to myself. "The great land? No! Wait! The Glade? Yeeaahhh The Glade" That was my final decision I soon fell asleep and tried to remember.

There you have it, the first chapter about the Glade.

I know it was a short chapter but it's a start, right?

Just saying this book is mainly about Newtmas shippers , ( I'm sorry Tominho shippers!)

Anyway I hoped you like the chapter and you enjoy the rest of the book.

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