Forge Variants

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The following contains information of the different types of Forges used by the ForgeMasters of Black Rock Mountain throughout the centuries.
The WFA Mk.1, "Scalding"
The first of it's kind, the "Wrist Forging Apparatus" or WFA Mk.1 was the first forged ever created. It was used primarily around 500 years before the settling of Black Rock. It was strictly used for construction, and made wearers capable of building elaborate fortresses in one month, as opposed to the previous six months.
Considerable flaws with this model included severely burning the wearer if used too much, even at times melding itself into the wears skin, which resulted in it's nickname of "Scalding". It's lack of defensive qualities was another considerable drawback.
The WFA Mk.2, "Twitchy"
Because the Mk.1 desperately needed to be upgraded, the Mk.2 came into use 495 or so years before the settling of Black Rock. This variant proved more efficient for construction, and while not viewed as a lethal weapon, provided it's wearer with moderate combat capabilities. The most famous of which is the ability to grab something at distance, and throw it at a target. However, this could cause muscles to twitch uncomfortably in the aftermath, cause muscle strain, and, in severe cases, rip the muscle off of the wearer's bone. The grab wasn't perfect either. If the wearer tried to pull something heavy, it could crush them if they weren't ready to catch it, or it could cause serious injury. The capabilities of this forge were nearly too advanced for the initial design to handle. The Mk.2 was nicknamed "Twitchy", because of the side effects caused when used. Excessive use could result in serious nerve damage.
The CCWFA Mk. 1, "Handy"
One year after the WFA Mk. 2 was created, the Forge Makers began to work on a Forge that could be used for combat, but also retain its purpose of construction. And so, the Combat-Capable Wrist Forging Apparatus was invented. The design is considered the largest of it's kind, weighing in at 5.1 pounds. This variant improved the grab-and-throw tactic, but also gave the user the ability to deliver a punch that would leave a hole in the chest of an unarmored opponent. If an opponent was well-protected, the punch would still crush his ribs. As well as being an extraordinary weapon of war, the CCWFA Mk. 1 retained it's use as a construction tool, giving it the nickname, "Handy". However, this design still had considerable flaws. The punch it delivered could overheat the device, rendering it useless for an extended period of time (an issue that is still present today, but never as bad as it was with Handy). Another considerable issue was the fact that the device was rather unwieldy, due to it's size. But, perhaps it's most prevalent flaw, was the lack of any way to keep the device (permanently) attached to it's wearer's wrist, meaning it could be stolen. However, "Handy" became the variant that the ForgeMasters would keep, and work on constantly throughout the following situations. Most of it's variants were made to improve the device's capabilities, reduce it's weight and size, and finally, giving it's wearer's the ability to customize it however they wanted (which will be mentioned now.)
The CCWFA Mk. 6, "DIY"
The current Forge used, and what many consider the last Forge that will ever need to be made, the Combat-Capable Wrist Forging Apparatus Mk. 6 is the pride of Black Rock. Adding more combat functions, such as the ability to create a weapon out of an ore known as Nano. Nano is mined, and then processed into a fine gel that is fed into the device. The device stores the Nano, and recycles it after use, meaning that each device will only ever need to be filled once, and it has an eternal supply. This variant is also extremely resistant to attacks, so it can be used as a shield, but few ForgeMasters use it as such. It can also generate a shield to protect it's wearer. This forge is also capable of storing it's wearer's attires, allowing them to switch between clothes at their leisure. When a Youngblood gets his Forge and becomes an apprentice, the Forge ejects two miniature hooks into his or her wrist (usually Forges are placed on the dominant wrist). This ensures that it can never be removed from its wearer, until the wearer dies, and it is no more painful than a bee sting.
This forge was given the name "DIY" because the wearer could customize it to their specifications. It came with an Artificial Intelligence that the wearer names (an example would be Lotus, the Forge AI of ForgeMaster Spade Cat). The AI also tunes itself to it's wearer, resulting in a bond that is vital to the ForgeMasters. They also customize the color and purpose of their Forge. A ForgeMaster Architect would tune their Forge to focus on construction, rather than combat (however they still knew how to fight with them). The design is sleek and light, weighing in at 1.5 pounds, which was only capable thanks to advances in Forge-making. The forge also monitors the vitals of it's wearer, and can be used to contact other ForgeMasters.
Currently, no one is quite sure of who gave the First ForgeMasters the technology and knowledge to build these advanced machines, but we've taken to calling them the Meditators (more on them another day), due to only one small excerpt found in the Archive:
"Meditation will bring greater Ideas for eons to come."

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