Part 1

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"Are you sure about this?"

Loki ask standing beside a girl no older than 19 with rose purple hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"This is the only way to save everyone uncle Loki."

she gripped her back pack tighter.

" I wish there's another way to them save them, without you being put endanger."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

The girl went in taking her to another time, before her parents got together.

The portal closes behind her as she stepped out of it.

'First  i need to know the date, then i have to find them'.

Much to  her luck she found a person selling newspaper she ask how much and brought one.

'November 24, 2015 good I'm on the right time.'

 Throwing the newspaper to a near by trash can trying to find the infamous Stark Tower.

As she made her way there a with black hair and fair skin have walk around the area, instantly recognizing him as the assassin sent by future Sharon Carter to kill her parents.

Using her super speed she quickly pinned him to a wall at the corner of the Stark Tower, she have her hands on the collar of his jacket setting her hands a blaze.

"Your the asshole that killing my parents."

"Well I am lucky i get to kill Rogers, his wife and kid."

He use his powers hitting her with a beam of light causing her to suddenly close her eyes, but she sill refuse to let go of him.

"Sir I'm sorry to disturb you, but there is a commotion outside that needs your attending."

JARIS voice echoing around the tower Sam look outside seeing a girl with flaming hands as she held a guy by his jacket collar.

"Guys i think you might wanna see this."

He gestured for everyone to come by the window.

Steve have a look himself he couldn't help, but think of familiar the rose purple head sticking out of the crowed.

(y/n) had just finish doing  groceries with Bucky and we're making their way back when they saw a girl about 19 and a guy in his mid-30s seemingly fighting in front of the Tower. 

At first they we're confuse as to what was happening (y/n) handed the items to Bucky who put it on the ground beside him.

She didn't know why, but for some reason she felt a connection between the girl and her protective instinct kicked in.

"Listen i don't know who the fuck you are and i don't give a rats ass about it, but if you step away from her I'll consider not killing you."

She created a flame at the palm of her hand  ready to burn him if needed.

"Like I'll listen to you."

(y/n) told Bucky to get the girl and groceries inside, she step in front of the guy as Bucky did as she told him, letting her take care of the guy.

"Why are you here?"

He questioned her as they rode the elevator she ask if she could help him upon carrying the groceries he handed her half of it asking her the same question.

"I'm looking for my parents."

He led her to the kitchen she help him unpack the bags much to his surprise she knows where to put them.

"You ok?"

(y/n) ask her walking into the kitchen.

"I'm fine thanks."

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