1 (Emma's P.O.V.)

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Okay, for those of you who've never been claimed by god or goddess, you might not be a demigod. After all, the gods swore on the River Styx to never abandon their children again, if your parent never claimed you, you're most likely one of three things a demtitian (half titan, half mortal), demimonster (half monster, half mortal), demigaint (half giant, half mortal). The gods don't trust us. They believe that we are just like our parents and want destroy the gods and world, and that we will do the same. But that's not true most demies don't want a war with gods, we just want to live free from our parents. Demies just follow their leader, which is a demi that that is child of three most powerful titans, Kronos (Titan of Bounty, Fate, and Time; King of the Titans and father of the gods), Atlas (Titan of Heavy Burdens, Endurance and Strength), Hyperion (Titan of Light and Lord of the East), if there's none than down the list. Maddie Long is current leader of the demies that follow her. When I was 16, I flew to Philadelphia, met with a group of demies(that side with the gods) to stop Maddie and her army of demies from aiding Kronos in the battle of Manhattan and my sided won. I flew to New York City, New York. I few months ago I met Nero and Meg McCaffrey. Nero told me that he'd take care of me alongside Meg. I didn't trust him but I felt that I couldn't leave Meg alone with him, So I stayed to secretly watch over and protect Meg from him. She and I grew close, so close that I think thought of her as little sister. I forget to introduce myself. I'm Emma, Emma Lightning, Daughter of don't freak out Kronos. Now that you know that you probably want to know somethings about me.
So here's some facts about me:
- I'm Kronos's demititan daughter but I'm nothing like him.
- My eyes are gold (I wonder where that came from.)
- I'm Sarcastic a lot.
- I know a bit about how to use my powers like I have Enhanced Physical Condition, Prowess in Battle, Titanic Energy(blasts), Tongue of the Old Times fluency, Electrokinesis (Lightning), Metacognition(Limited and she can only senses her father Kronos), Hypnokinesis(Limitled), Chronokinesis(Limitled), Manipulation with her eyes(she can tell others using her willpower to stood down with her golden eyes in a fight). She can sense auras like the auras gods, demigods, demimonsters, monsters, demititans, titans, etc. Each individual has a different aura, and some feel very uncomfortable(which is a demi thing.).
- I'm eighteen years old.
- At the time of the titan war in New York, I was one of the few demies that sided with the gods in battle. Which we call the Battle of Philadelphia.
- My Journal is one of the most important things I have.
Now to telling of my side of the story.

The past six months have been hard, Iris messages stop working, along with the Oracle of Trophonius and it's priestess has gone missing. Vanellope is current priestess of the Oracle of Trophonius. She's Mnemosyne's daughter. She's crazy and unpredictable but wise. The last time I saw her was two years ago, she was having a hard time time seeing the next piece of her golden thread puzzle. Now I've been in Manhattan with Meg McCaffery for a few months now. I came to Manhattan as a part of my search for what happen to the Oracle and Apollo. We feared that something happen to Apollo when the others told me about Vanellope and the oracle, So I went here to Manhattan to find a answer. Now back to present.

I heard a bang from the bottom of the alleyway. I warned Meg about people being in our alley. Then two monsters walked up to the boy who just drag himself out of the dumpster. He's aura is familiar, but weaken. I need to get closer to him to see who he is. Then I heard the guy announce, "I am Apollo. You mortals have three choices: offer me tribute, flee, or be destroyed,"
He's voice squeaked on the word destroyed, which cause me to quietly giggle at him. The two monsters identified themselves as Mikey and Cade. Cade tossed the knife in his hands to the ground and kicked Apollo in the face and started to beat him up, so bad that he start bleeding blood not golden ichor. I have to do something if Apollo is fully mortal those monsters will kill him. I looked at Meg and she knew what we need to do next.

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