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"Loser!" I yell as I throw a piece of paper to Y/n...Y/n was the new girl at my school
This year, she transferred from America
And she's really pretty,the last girl I told that she was pretty broke my heart so since then I bully people I like,because I'm scared if I show them that I like them,
They will hurt me.."Tae,leave her alone."
My sister Yuna says. Yuna was friends with Y/n so Y/n comes over to my house a lot.

"Shut up Yuna,you can't tell me what to do."
I say "Hey Y/n,do you wanna come to my party later?" I ask "Yah,I woul-." I cut her off by ripping up the invitation I gave her
She cries and runs away,it hurts me to see her cry,but I can't tell her that or who knows what will happen.

-7 Hours later-At the party

I see Y/n across the room,dancing with another guy. It was my best friend Jimin
I can't believe that he would do this to me
he knew how I felt about her.
The anger in my body control my movements I walked over to Jimin and punched him,then grabbed Y/n's wrist
and took her to my room
"TAEHYUNG,wh-what are y-you doing,and why did you punch Jimin?!" Y/n asked looking
frightened. I promised myself I wouldn't tell her but I can't hold it back anymore she needed to know "Y/n,I re-" I was cut off by Yuna walking into the room yelling at me
"Your boyfriend was dancing with my crush."
I say calmly trying to hold back my tears in anger "crush?" Y/n asked
"I told him to dance with her so she didn't feel lonely while I went to the bathroom."
Yuna says annoyed
"I am so sorry Yuna." I say softly
She walks out and leaves me and Y/n alone

"Why did you bully me if you liked me?"
She asked a bit shock
"I've had a dark past with crushes,when I was younger I told a girl she was pretty but then she broke my heart so whoever I bully,I actually like,like you."
She nodded and came closer to me
Y/n pressed her lips against mine and I returned the favor I push her away and yell
"YOU THINK I WOULD ACTUALLY LIKE YOU?!" I say trying to keep my tears inside she runs out of the room crying
and I start crying too
For two seconds I was happy for two seconds I felt like people cared about me
That I belonged but my stupid brain
just ruined it,I go to the top of my house and was about to jump when I felt a tug on my arm I open my eyes and see Y/n holding on to my arm and crying,
"TAE,I know you don't love me but I love you more than anything or anyone don't leave me please,please,please I LOVE YOU!"
Why does she love me? I have been nothing but to be mean to her. She pulls me back onto the rooftop and I say
"Fuck you Y/n..I don't need your help." Her eyes widen as more tears stream down her face,"Tae,I don't care if you don't need me,I need you." She says I break out a small smile but then frown again,"Tae,I keep making you mad,so I'll stop now." She jumps off the roof but at the last second I grab her arm She was hanging on the side of the house trying not to let go,
"Tae,don't let me fall." She says calmly

"He's My Bully"(BTS Kim Taehyung Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ