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So a lot happened since the last time I was really active on this website.
All I have to say, is that summer was hell.
My parents found my wattpad account, my amino, Pinterest, and everything else.
Oh, and they also threatened to take away the one person I love the most in this world and made me feel like the actual worst person on the planet.
And out of that comes my survival slogan, "Talking only makes it worse."
That's where my brand new filter comes from.
Yay for that, no more talking about suicide, but I guess it's fine anyway, I'm not suicidal anymore.  Used to be, now I'm just depressed and anxious.
That person I love the most can sleep peacefully... with insomnia... but as peacefully as they can sleep.
They deserve it, I almost wound up in the 42% of nonbinary people who attempt suicide.  I also wouldn't leave my bed during the summer, I just stared at the damn ceiling and listened to gothic metal.

Other general information:
I'm some kind of romantic Asexual with a pan boi in my life.
I'm a babybat, or mini goth, I grew out of my emo phase... I wasn't really super emo to begin with.
I'm nonbinary and have dysphoria (eat that, transmedicalists AND SJWs, I hate both of you).
I'm also out to a family whose ashamed of me and to a sister who wants to disown me.
I'm an INFP, and an Independent when it comes to politics.
I'm currently attending the gender clinic at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
And I have Anxiety and Depression.

I guess that's all I have to say for now.

"It's a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful."
- Ky (Yeah I spell it different now)

Life Sucks - A Real Long RantWhere stories live. Discover now