Winds of Desire

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(Taking place in a dream)

I walked through the forest following the voice who called my name. The voice became closer and closer as I walked further and further into the forest. I didn't know where it lead nor how I even got here, I pushed some branches out of my way and made it to a meadow. It was beautiful. Filled with wild flowers, blossoming lilies, sunflowers, baby's breath, so many di

fferent colors. The sky was a bright baby blue and the clouds were so white and fluffy. I heard the voice calling out to me, It was so soft and soothing. It was a male's voice. I couldn't find him though. It was like he could see me but I couldn't see him. I sat down on the grass. I gazed around, nature was so beautiful. I lay down and looked up at the sky. The voice no longer called out. I felt someone lay beside me.

"It's so beautiful here" he said.

Yeah, I could stay here all day. What took you so long?

I was lost. I'm sorry.

I don't even know your name. Aren't you gonna tell me? I turned to look at him. He was so beautiful. I've never seen such a perfect looking man before. His eyes, his smile, his face, his lips...everything. I wondered if he was like and angel or a celestial being from above.

He smiled at me. Just don't wake up...Stay here with me.

"All dreams come to an end..." I said.

He looked at me again, still smiling. "This more than a dream. It's only the beginning"

Well can I at least know your name? Where do I find you?

He giggled. Just be patient. You'll find me soon or who knows maybe I'll come to you.

What's your name? I looked at him.

My name's.....

Chapter 1: "Winds Of Change"

That was the last dream I had with him. I longed to see him again even if it was all just in my head. He felt so real, I wanted to find him but I wouldn't even know where to start. That was 3 years ago. I was 15 years old. I'm 18 now and yet nothing has happened! He said to be patient, I've been patient for 4 years now and still no sign of anything. I barely even remember how he looked like, I just knew he was beautful. But I don't remember if what color his eyes were or anything that had to do with his face. I just remembered the sound of his voice calling my name. How would i recognize him if I forgot what he looked like?! This is horrible. I had to find him no matter what he and I met once upon a dream and now I wanted to make that reality. No matter how long it took I'd find him, all I could do is hope and pray that he hadn't forgotten me. I felt like I was going insane though, what if he wasn't real? But yet again he wouldn't had said "You'll find me soon..." (Sigh) This going to be so freaking hard!

(Phone rings)


Clover, What are you doing tomorrow?

Clover: Hey, Paris. Umm..Tomorrow's Saturday...Nothing really. I was gonna go shopping. Why?

Paris was/is my best friend. She was a pretty hazel eyed brunette. She was fun to be around, I told her about the dreams I had before. She understood me unlike other people, Everyone else insisted it was all just a dream, that he wasn't real. When I met Paris she was so quiet and nobody wanted to be her friend. She was my first true friend and I was hers. We never fought nor agrued. I remember I told her my dreams, she smiled and promised to help me find him because she believed that it wasn't just a dream. More like a telepathic message.

Paris: I have tickets for a meet and greet.

Clover: Who are we going to meet and greet? (Giggle)

Paris: Tokio Hotel.

Clover: Who's that? Are they new or something?

Paris: No. They're from Germany. They're really good. I love them. So will you come with me? Pleeeeasssseeee Clovey!

Clover: If you stop calling me "Clovey" then I'll go.

Paris: (Shrieks out of excitement) Omg! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! You're gonna love them when you see them! They're SO cute!! Especially the guitarist! I'm like in love with him. *-*

Clover: (Giggle) You're welcome and Naahh I don't wanna fall for some celebrity, I have someone already I just...

Paris: Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Well I'll see you tomorrow. This is so exciting! I owe you big time love. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10:00 a.m so don't over sleep and look super pretty, you always do but you know.

Clover: I'll wear something cute don't worry.

Paris: Curl your hair. It looks so cute when you do!

Clover: Okay okay. (Giggle) Go to sleep already, It's late.

Paris: Okay. Bye my gorgeous friend! *click*

I smiled then closed my eyes. I had a good feeling about tomorrow for some reason.

(Bill Narrating)

It's been 3 years since I last saw her. We met in a dream and it felt so real, When I held her hand it felt warm. They were so soft, the smell of her hair, everything. She seemed so real, I didn't know if i was going insane or if she truly existed. If she weren't real she would've never asked "Where do I find you?" I should've told her. I didn't remember much about her though. I just knew her hair was brown and her eyes were like a blue color. But there was A LOT of girls like that. It didn't help much.

Tom: Bill, Are you listening to me?

Bill: Huh?

Tom: Quit day dreaming about an imaginary girl.

Bill: She's not imaginary Tom. I know she's real. So shut up.

Tom: Whatever. Well as I was saying...This is the 12th meet and greet in 4 months. My hand hurts from writing my name over and over and over and over again. Bill this girl better show up at this next meet because I'm getting tired.

Bill: She will be I can feel the winds of change.

Tom: Huh? O_o

Bill: Winds of change Tommy :)

Tom: Ummm okay sure. You need to sleep Bill that girl is driving you insane.

Bill: I really hope I dream with her. Tom, I truly believe she's out there.

Tom: (Touches Bill's hand) I'll be with you every step of the way until I find your dream girl. (Smile)

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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