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Chapter I of Cut

Proto Chapter.

Ives' POV. 

That Day

            It was a rainy morning, the 2nd Thursday of July. It was summer, I was wearing a red shirt and my favorite jeans and my Converse. The silence calmed me, the soft drone of our SUV made me sleepy, I felt myself slipping out of reality.

            "Ives, Ives, we're here." The sound of mom's voice woke me up, we were closing in to the hospital that I volunteered on. After school was over, my counselor had said to volunteer at a hospital for my career to get a firsthand experience on being a cardiologist. I happily took the opportunity and my mom was happy with it. I chose the Winthrop University Hospital as the hospital that I was going to volunteer on.

            "Okay, thanks mom, stay safe." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek then got out of the car. I personally chose to be on the rehabilitation floor of the hospital since, I, myself had experienced eating disorders and depression as well. I believed that I would do good on that floor and hoped that I could meet someone who needs my help.

            I passed through the opening doors of the hospital. Doctors, nurses and fellow volunteers greeted me. I waved back and flashed a friendly smile. For the first time, I was able to get over my social anxiety, no more heavy breathing, no more sweating.

            I approached the elevator and several others were also waiting for the elevator too. I patiently waited, checking on my watch.

            "Hey," I turned around, it was another volunteer, a girl probably the same age as mine, slightly shorter than me, she had a squeaky little voice, she had blue eyes and blond hair, thin lips and petite figure and an upturned nose, "are you also volunteering here? Oh... Of course, silly me, you are, anyway I'm Courtney Stolberg, and you are?" She outstretched her arm for a handshake.

            "Nice to meet you," I happily took her hand and shook it, "My name is Ives; Ives Summers."

            "My, my sir," She faked a British accent, "are you British? You have an accent," Then she squinted her eyes and tiptoed, lifting her index finger, "or are you faking it?" I chuckled.

            She's adorable.


            "Yep, I'm half British, my mom's Brit, my dad is American but he faked an accent so, here, my accent is like this." I flashed a smile, Courtney regained her posture and giggled. We heard the ding of the elevator then got on.

            "So what floor are you in?" She whispered, inching closer to me.

            "Rehab, you know, depression and stuff." She then looked at me with a worried expression, I raised my eyebrows.

            "But hey, I don't have it, but, yeah, I did, before. Got over it though." I whispered back, flashing her a smile. She nodded and smiled too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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