Chapter 1

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Even though my last name is Hyuuga, my eyes are white, hair is black and I posses The byakugan I've never known much of the Hyūga other than what my father thought me. I met the first in Ninja Acadamy, that was Hinata-sama. My father often went to the Hyūga estate but my mother kept me and my siblings away from them. Whenever I asked her why she said to look at the marks on my, my fathers and my sibling forehead, that was due to the Hyūga Clan and it was something that could kill us, so she kept us separate. I was curious yes but let it be.
So when I came home from a mission and saw my mother and father talking with two other Hyuuga I was surprised. I knew it was the Hyuuga elder and Hiashi-Sama the clan lead. My mother seemed frustrated but apparently the four of them where agreeing to something. "You can come out now Reiju" my father says, when I try to hide a bit to eavesdrop. I walk into the garden. "Konnichiwa Oto-Sama, Oka-sama" I say with a small smile as I walk up to them and bow to the two Hyūga after I greeted them. "You may not understand this but our family and our clan drifted apart a bit. Whatever the reasons where it's in the past" father says "it's time we all reconciled so we can go back to our clan duties" he says and I nod. "All right" I say "that is why" Father says and sighs "that is why we arranged a marriage for you" my smile disappears. "A marriage?" I ask surprised.

I walk with my mother and father toward the Hyūga estate. It's necessary to strengthen the bonds between our family and the clan, this is part of your duty. I still hear his words echo in my head. I wanted to oppose this but I didn't want shame my father so I agreed. I'm going to meet this man I am going to marry. He's the perfect candidate for you, strong and a skilled shinobi, father said. We follow Hiashi-sama and the elder into a room in the largest Hyūga house. In the room at the lower table a woman and a man are sitting. I recognize him as Neji. I saw him at the chuunin exam but never really talked to him. "Neji" Hiashi-sama says and the annoyed look of the mans face disappear as he opens his eyes. "We'd like to introduce you to your fiancé, Reiju" both the elder and my parents step aside so he can see me. He looks at me for a bit. From my pale face, to my large C cup breasts visible from my open chuunin vest to my waist and long legs. "Nice to meet you" he says. "I suggest you two take a walk into the gardens and estate to get to know each other while we discuss the preparations of the wedding next week" the elder says.

Neji stands up and walks into the garden. Father nods at me and I follow him into the garden. I'm surprised at the beautiful Sakura trees and flowers in the garden as well as the meditation area and training area "this garden is so large" I say. He doesn't really respond so I turn around to see him. "Have you ever been in love Neji-San?" I ask. He looks at me surprised, like he didn't expect it. "In love?" He asks. "I can't believe I have no" he says. "Have you?" I shake my head "No, but I'm fifteen years old, so I always thought it would come eventually" he nods "now you'll never get the chance" he says. I shrug "maybe I will, maybe I won't. That I am arranged to marry you, won't mean I won't get to fall in love. You could be the man I fall in love with" I say. He scoffs "You're thinking too positively" I place my hands in my chuunin vest pockets "why? My parents marriage was arranged and they fell in love eventually and love each other very much now" he looks at my with curiosity in his eyes. "You're chuunin" he says "yes" I answer "why don't we go over there and assess our strengths, see if you can guess my rank. Maybe we can talk a bit more after" he says smirking. I grin "all right"

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