Chapter 1

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(Hi patricks not in this chapter so like if you wanna see him he's in the rest of them. Yeah.)

The sun rose over the oak trees lining the neighborhood, peaking through the window and into my room. A wisp of air gusted through and brought down the room and my own temperatures at once. I slid on a sweatshirt and flopped back down into bed

"Goddamn Chicago weather..."

I mumbled to myself as I began dozing off again. The scent of maple syrup filled the air, helping me fall asleep once more, until I realised what it meant

"Audrey!! First day of school!!"

I heard my mom yell excitedly from the kitchen. Crap. I groaned into my pillow and drowsily got out of bed, pulling on some pants laying on the floor from who knows when. I began walking down the stairs when my mom reappeared with a stack of pancakes.

"Well look at you, big girl!!"

She giggled, motioning for me to head to the kitchen table

"Mom you really don't need to baby me anymore, I'm 17"

"Aw you're so cute! Here's your gourmet breakfast of champions!"

She placed the stack of pancakes in front of me, placing a spray bottle of whipped cream next to me

"Sorry for babying you,"

She said with a smirk before continuing

" are you excited for your junior year??"

I was busy shovelling pancakes into my mouth so I could get to school on time

"Well I guess so. As excited as I can be when I start a new school in the middle of my high school career"

I uttered, muffled by my breakfast. My mom shook her head with a grin, taking away my plate as she walked back to the kitchen.

"You'll thank me later. Anyway, aren't you supposed to be leaving in like 5 minutes?"

Oh my god. I haven't check a clock since I woke up and apparently my mom thought it was okay to get me up 30 minutes later than we used to get up at my old school.

"Oh crap! Mom I'm gonna be late I can't get ready and put on makeup and I can't go like t-"

She grabbed my shoulders and brought me to face her

"You. Do not need makeup. Just get dressed and pack up your back pack!"

She motioned upstairs. Oh yeah. I ran up and tore off my old grey sweatshirt.

"Don't forget your glasses honey!!"

I heard my mom yell up the stairs

"Okaaaaaaaaay mother"

I replied, tossing them into an open side pocket of my backpack. I looked like a complete dork wearing them, so I just bring them to school for my mom.

"Nothing good nothing good dAMMIT"

I whispered while digging through drawers of clothing. I luckily found a clean shirt in the piles of laundry in front of me. It was an old David Bowie shirt from when he toured some years back. I grabbed my back pack, license, and hoodie before speeding out of my room, sliding down the stair post.


I said rushing past her and into the garage. I revved the engines and began my drive to school at an alarming speed, but luckily cops don't really care about that stuff this time of day. Oh well

After my dangerously fast drive, I finally saw my destination, Glenbrook South Highscool. I parked my car and stepped out of my car to what I thought would be the worst day of my life.

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