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it's been said that soulmates are because of people being made up of atoms that were close together since the beginning of time. They always speak of it so highly, as if a mark on your body is the biggest thing to happen, and that the matching marks signify that two people could be happy forever together. personally, think that's all a lie. fairy tales made up for the children to give them hope for this life and reassurance that you'll find someone who loves you unconditionally. but in reality, everyone here is human and it's not that simple. we have emotions, we cheat, we steal, we die. there's no point in this cloud on my collarbone, all it signifies is the hope i lost long ago. today was the day i had my friend tattoo over the mark on my skin to signify my defiance against this social rule. nobody needs to find their soulmate, they just need to be happy. i need to be happy.

the shop is slow today. apparently people don't like getting their skin repeatedly stabbed on a wednesday afternoon, so i grab my jacket and mention to my coworker i'll be at the bookstore next door if someone wants me. then i set off into the cold for a few seconds. i never knew how one tiny decision could change my life forever. After walking in, i hear the small jingle of the bells on the door and am hit with the smell of hundreds of old books. they lined the walls and rows of shelving as tall as the ceiling and seemed to go on forever. the owner walked out and gave a kind smile.

"Castiel, it's nice to see you again, dear. anything specific you're looking for this time?" i shook my head and began browsing the books, taking a mental note of a few i should look up as i gradually got closer to the end of the row. unknowingly, i ran into some buff dude presumably looking at two different scientific journals really intensely. he jumped and dropped the two books on accident.

"i'm really sorry! here, let me get those for you" i cringed at how awkward i sounded and quickly went to pick up the books and hand them to the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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