Part 1

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Ramir was used to "mama" jokes but this was different, this was personal. Ramir's eyes burned a hole in Brick's head and he was ready to settle all this shit once and for all. The music stopped and the men stared at each other as the audience remained quiet. Once NY announced that Ramir was the winner he smiled at Brick. Brick was fuming and he waited until Ramir walked towards the back of the stage.

Brick followed Ramir off stage and punched him in the back of the head. Ramir fell and everyone's attention was now on the two men. Ramir turned to get up and Brick punched him again. Ramir turned on his back to see a gun pointed at his head and he started laughing. "What's so funny young blood?" Brick bent down and put the gun to Ramir's temple. "Three brothers, one gun. Damn! I couldn't have planned this any better!" Brick bragged.

"You talk to fucking much. You never pull your shit out if you ain't goin' use it! If you going kill me nigga then do it!" Ramir snapped. "You sound just like your brother!" Brick stood up and pointed the gun at Ramir. Brick pulled the trigger and shot Ramir in the arm. Everyone backstage scattered to keep from getting hit by a stray bullet. "SHIT!" Ramir grabbed his arm and Brick was about to put the next bullet in the side of Ramir's head when Brick was shot in the hand and caused him to drop his gun.

Another bullet came flying Brick's way and hit him in the leg. Brick fell back on his ass and Riz walked up to Ramir. "You cool?" Riz asked and picked up Brick's gun. "Yeah!" Ramir said as Mack helped him up and watched Riz walk over to Brick. "You's a dead mufucka!" Riz told Brick and motioned for his soldiers to grab Brick.

"Hurry the fuck up before the police get here!" Riz told them. Brick tried to fight them but one of the guys punched Brick and knocked him out cold. They left out just as fast as they came in. Mack grabbed Ramir, threw him over his shoulder and left the building.

Once they were in Riz's midnight blue Range Rover Ramir snapped, "Why didn't you kill that nigga?" Riz glanced over at Ramir sitting in the passenger seat as though he was a stranger. "Call Peach and Angel and tell them to meet us at the spot," Riz instructed Mack. Riz looked in his rearview mirror to see a black Escalade behind him.

Mack pulled out his phone and called Peaches' cell phone. "What the hell? We heard all that shit that was going on backstage. You know you niggas is real hot right now? Where the hell are you?" Peaches snapped before Mack had a chance to say anything.

"Yo, Riz said met us at the spot," Mack told her. Peaches hung up. "Peaches said that they heard what went down backstage," Mack told Riz. "Why wouldn't they? Brick's sloppy ass firing off like he ain't in a public place. So yeah, people goin' hear that shit when you shot a mu'fucka," Riz said. He looked down at his lap at his gun with the silencer on it. "Man, why didn't you shot that mu'fucka? He killed my brother!" Ramir snapped.

"We know that, calm down. We got 'em. He's as good as dead," Riz told Ramir as he handed his gun to Mack, who was seating in the backseat. "Blasting off back there wasn't an option."

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