The Night Never Before

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A single drop on my cheek was enough to get the upcoming event that night. The sky was about to pour down the tears, it has been concentrating throughout the day. The lightening made it clear, the eyedrop was going to be heavy, not like those just making the soil wet. There was no one in the street, except me and the lovely nomads, the stray dogs. Wind was blowing from my right hosting away my long hairs combed from my left. No sign of humans, strange! I guessed. Though it was an urban night, the scenario out there didn't seem to be. I was having nothing with me but my mobile phone and wallet. The clock struck 11 pm. It was dark but the street lights were enough to pave my way. The loud barks of the lovely nomads gave the predictions crystal clear, its going to be a havoc that night.
The autumn night was a pleasant one. But shit to my fate I didn't have any umbrella for the shower. I crossed two more streetlights to reach the turning point which would lead straight to my apartment. By the time the magnitude of the drops have increased. As I was still a kilometer or two away from my room I was searching for some roof to keep my head under. I was new to that place and was there for a few weeks on my office work. So I didn't have a great idea about the places in the new city, but taking a walk after dinner have become a regular activity for the last 5 years. So there was not a single chance of missing it that night. But who ever had thought the weather would be such and I would be helpless.
A few more drops on my head, I ran, till I find a dry place. I ran and ran and my eyes spotted a tree, a large banyan tree. I stopped under it, took long breaths to overcome the oxygen shortage during my marathon, trying to dry myself with my handkerchief. I took out my phone to check the time or any messages if received when suddenly my ears caught some footsteps running towards me from the opposite direction. I couldn't see the face clearly because of the rain, but thanks to the street lights and the electric board for not cutting off the electricity during the rain, I confirmed the human is a She. With some blured view I deeply had a watch on her, she had long untied hair waving across her arms. She was already half wet. From a distance I marked her wearing, jeans with long kurta. Watch on her right wrist and a cross bag on her shoulder. By the time she came closer I explore her face through my eyes. Being medium heighted, her figure was perfectly matched. From her body make up, anyone can easily conclude that she has maintained her shape nicely. And from her attitude I could say she belongs to a well-to-do family.
'But what was she doing here at this time of night?' I thought myself. ALONE?
To be frank a lonely girl in night is like an open treasure, in order to that the type of incidents happening now a days in the Indian society have been a head ache in everyone's house. A girl's life has been peaked up to a high risk today. Faults lies with whom, no one knows!!! But the matter clings in some corner in the human mind setup. The stereotypic foresight of the people makes it more complex. Most of us blame the women community for all this mischiefs. The perceptions has been made so discriminative. All are putting question marks on the manner a girl dress up, her behaviour, attitude, but a very minority of people raise voice against the man community. It is so because today's society has been perceived as a male dominated society. But to be straight forward, men do have some loopholes. Not some, but many. The extremeness of the youth hood has kicked them out of their own control. They easily get their blood on fire. Even if before committing the crimes they forget that they too have mothers and sisters in their homes.
And on the other hand, our why-are-you-talking-to-a-girl society is adding some spices to it. In our country a boy girl relationship is always mistaken. Talking to a girl or getting close with her is believed to be a sin by our Indian parents. The most important cause is that the very narrow mind of the people. Talking about sex is considered as taboo. With so many pejoratives, most Indians keep their views about sex private, disclosing this will brand them characterless. For this we cannot open up with anyone, and our internal curiosity increases day by day, and at last blast up with an immense conviction. Repressed sexual desire, for instance, is manifest in child sexual abuse, which is rampant in India. Apart from this, the many instances of molestation, the feeling of a lack of safety amongst our women, the brutal rape cases are all at least partly due to this repressed desire gone bad.

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