The Red Dragon

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 Centuries ago their were 5 Dragons. Blue Dragon the power of water, White Dragon the power of air, Green Dragon the power of earth, Orange Dragon the power of fire, but the Dragons can not be together without the 5th Dragon.      The Red Dragon the power of love, She looked like an angel with pale skin and long beautiful red hair that shined brighter than the sun.

The 4 Dragons could not get along which made her lose her power slowly over time. The Red Dragon fell to earth and discovered life when she fell in love with a human. A year passed by since the day she fell to earth. One stormy night the man was off to town to get her some herbs to help with the sickness, he hurried back to her. When he walked in their home he then realizes he didn't make in time. He held her in his arms as he told her he loved her. She smiled as she closed her eyes, the man cried as he watched her pass away in his arms. The four Dragons came down from the Heavens to take her back home where she belonged. The man held their beautiful child as she was taken back. He looked at his daughter in his arms and smiled she had beautiful red hair and blue eyes. She reminded him so much of his Wife. Many years passed from this day, many Red Dragons were born but only one had the power that could bring the 4 Dragons back together. A girl was born 17 years ago, she was born of the year of the Dragon with beautiful red hair, her name was Y/N.

She has always heard of the stories about the Red Dragon from her Great Grandfather, she was only a high school student with decent grades when her life was about to change.


Ring Ring! "Hmmm?  Hello?" I answered my phone.

" Y/N GET UP! You're late again. School has already started." Jisu said.

I looked at my clock and it was already 8. My eyes widen. "Whattttt!?" I hung up the phone and hurried to get ready but I stopped when I remembered what dream I had.

Dream of a woman wearing a Royal Hanbok her face was black like something was covering it, she kept pointing at me saying " Your soul is pure".       "No idea what that means", I thought to myself. "I better hurry or I'm going to be really late for school."

I hurried to school and meet up with my friends Jisu, Yuna and Misun.

"Hurry! Class starts in 10 minutes!" Jisu yelled as Yuna and Misun waved.

"I'm coming" I replied back.

We all went to class but some reason I started to hear this ringing noise in the library. No one else seemed to be bothered by it. So I told Jisu, Yuna and Misun to go ahead to class I'll meet up with them. They looked confused "I'm just going to the restroom." I said with a big smile on my face. They took the lie and said ok as I watched them walk away I headed to the library where the ringing was coming from. It started to get a little louder, I searched and searched until the noise got even louder. It was a book. "The Red Dragon?" I said to myself. "Why would this book be making noise?", I opened it and out of nowhere a bright light appeared I started seeing Dragons. Blue, White, Orange, Green and a Red Dragon then out of nowhere the light went away and when I able to open my eyes,I looked around and saw I was sitting on the ground in the middle of a bunch of people and everyone was staring at me like I'm not suppose to be here. "Why is everyone wearing those clothes you see in old Joseon era?" I said to myself. "Wait." I looked around me closely again and then my own clothes. " WHATTTTT!? Where am I? This is not home!" I was yelling and freaking out. Still everyone looking at me like I was crazy. I mean I don't blame them, I would be too if I was in their shoes looking at the way I am acting right now

Soon I calmed down and dusted myself off and bowed at the people who was still looking at me to say I'm sorry as I slowly started to back away and walk off. " AHHHH! What is going on. I Have no idea where I am or why I am even here." I said to myself. While I was looking down talking to myself someone bumped into me. "Hey! Would be nice if you said sorry!" I said as I looked up to see a man with a blue and black warrior type of outfit on with gorgeous long black hair that was pinned up with dark brown eyes, I was speechless. "I'm sorry." He said as he smirked then looked back behind him and ran off again as he was in a hurry. "CATCH HIM!" a group of men started yelling as they pointed in the direction he ran off in.

"Hmm. Well at least the men around here don't look to bad." I said while I was still in my day dream. "I wonder why they're chasing him?" I asked myself. I just shrugged my shoulders and kept walking. I soon came to this small hanok with a river in front of it. The place seemed empty so I walked inside searching the place just to make sure no one was living here. Didn't seem that way, the whole place was dusty and worn down a little. It was becoming night time so i decided to sleep here since I have no where else to stay. So I laid down on the floor, " So uncomfortable...... I miss my bed" I said to myself. "Then go back to it" a deep voice said replying to me. "HUH!?" I jumped up in a panic to see who the voice was coming from. "IT'S YOU!" I said as I pointed at the man standing in front of me. "You're the guy from before....but why are you here?"       He was the man that bumped into me and ran away from the guys who were chasing him. "I live here" He said as he kept staring at me. His eyes were shining in the moonlight from where he was standing. His eyes looked cold. "Whoa wait...YOU LIVE HERE?!" I looked at him confused. "This place is so run down and dusty, you don't even have a good place to sleep". "Then what's your reason for coming to where I live and sleeping?" he said as he turned away walking outside to pretty much tell me to leave. He has a good point, " Wait!" I said as I followed behind him, "Why are you here alone?" I asked. He turned around quickly with shape eyes to tell me not to ask him that again. Then he turned away completely making me bump into him, "You're not from here are you?" he said as he got closer to my face. I started to blush because he was to close as soon as I was about to talk he lifted up my chin to get a better look at me. "I didn't think a ugly thing like you would even be able to walk around here." "WHATTTTTTT!!!?, UGLY!? You have some nerve calling me ugly! I am actually very beautiful if I say so myself" I said as I pushed his hand away from my face. He smirked and walked past me saying "You can stay here for now till you find your way back home" then he walked in the house.

"UGHHHH, he gets on my nerves" I said to myself following behind him.


A/N- If you love this ff so far, I will continue 😁♡

A/N- If you love this ff so far, I will continue 😁♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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