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Lyn lets out a strangled sigh watching cars pass by swiftly creating blurs of colour. She checks her watch for the umpteenth time tapping her foot impatiently waiting for the boy to show up.

Jungkook was currently twenty-seven minutes late which annoyed Lyn even more than leaving her house on this fine Saturday afternoon.

Lyn began to think the brunette was going to be a no-show and soon convinced herself Jungkook was playing a joke on her. She hoisted her backpack on her shoulder and began walking to the park's exit grumbling words under her breath.

Right at the exit (and entrance) stood Jungkook with his hands in his pocket and his head tilted to the sky. His back leaning onto the exit's gate casually oblivious to his surroundings.

Lyn glares at the peaceful boy in annoyance, "Hey lose— Jungkook you're late!" Her hand resting on her hips giving him an accusing look.

"I never specified what time we'd meet up so technically I'm not late," Jungkook say with an eye roll ignoring the dirty looks from Lyn. "Besides, I lost track of time."

Lyn deadpans at him with narrowed eyes, "Why you—" she huffs out a breath of air as if she's calming herself down, "Whatever."

Jungkook raises a brow at the female crossing his arms. "Why did you want to meet up?"

"They same reason as you." Lyn says shrugging, "You wanted answers didn't you?"

Jungkook gives her a half nod watching her warily arms still crossed. Lyn begins walking towards a bench near them and takes a seat. She pats the spot beside her motioning for Jungkook to follow her actions, the boy gives her a dry look ignoring her offer.

"No thanks, I'll stand." Jungkook says awkwardly looking around the area. "I don't plan on staying long anyway."

Lyn huffs sighing, "Fine, be difficult."

The male glares down at her dainty feminine frame, "I will. Like I said before I don't intend on being here longer than fifteen minutes with you."

Letting out a dry chuckle Lyn smooths out her skirt playing with the hem. "Such a charmer, no wonder everyone loooves you." She says sarcasm oozing from her sentence.

Jungkook pays no mind to Lyn's comments and checks his watch, "Fourteen minutes left for you to explain. Get talking and stop being around the bush."

"Geez, relax will you? I plan on telling you the truth bro-"

"I'm not your 'bro'."

Lyn shrugs slouching in her seat a bit, "Well, I've been running my Instagram account for almost two years and two months ago I got a text message from someone named 'coconuthead'. They told me my aesthetic was shit which is still untrue and now here we are."

Jungkook rolls his eyes at the female crossing his arms, "That didn't tell me anything but how long you've had you account and that I dm-ed you. How helpful."

Shrugging again Lyn replies, "Well, in my defense you never specified what you wanted to know."

Jungkook gives the girl an unamused look leaning on the pole near him, "Well, Lyn, why did you pretend to be someone else? Why did you ask me to the dance? Was this a game to you?"

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