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Emilie Shaw's POV

Do you remember our first encounter?

It was the first time we met.

The first day of school in our lives.

There were only twelve of us, and we were divided in groups of six.

Six tables were attached to each other, on the left side and on the right side.

You sat next to me.

The teacher kept talking on and on, but I wasn't really paying attention.

I just wanted to go play outside, ya know.

Everyone wanted that, too, of course.

When the teacher finally let us go play, everyone screamed and started walking outside.

Immediately after everyone was outside, you could see that friends were already made.

It's easy for children.

You just find a partner to play with and just like that you have a friend.

You were still sitting at the table, so I went back to you. I asked you to come and play with me.

Just then another boy came running towards us and said, "no come with me girls have 'cooties'".

And you ran away with him, leaving me there standing at that table.

I felt sad, because I had never been rejected by anyone.

Everyone always wanted to play with me, so I went to the tree at the corner of the playground and sat there with my arms crossed as I pouted.

Few minutes later, you came up to me and sat next to me.

You said, "I don't care if you have cooties."

And then you kissed my cheek.

I didn't know what happened at first, but when you asked me to come and play with you, I didn't bother thinking about it and went running after you to play in the sandbox.

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