They came

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That's all I heard as I ran through the forest trying to get away, trying to flee from the monsters that are taking over my home, the town that I grew up in, everything I ever had known.

They had came in the middle of the night and attacked, killing everything in their paths. But before they got to my one bedroom apt, I fled.
I ran down the fire escape that was right beside my window, going as fast but silent as I could down it, hoping not to attract the attention of any of them.

After I made it down safely on the concrete ground I ran to the forest that was a couple of hundred feet to the left of my small apt that I lived in. Hoping that i could find a spot to nest out until they left.

I ran as fast as I could and made it to the gate that was all around us, from years of sneaking over this gate, I started my way up the 10 foot gate being quite like all those other time I did this.

I hooped down on the other side in darted through the trees.

Running as fast as I could to find a spot to hide out, soon everything become a blur as I ran.

My apt is in middle of the town with shops place on both sides of it and the forest was shrouding us. I lived in a small town in the middle of no where in hopes they wouldn't care about people out this far out .

Well I couldn't say that I picked this place out, my parent did, but they are dead now. So, I decided to stay, seeing if I went anywhere else I would be caught or thrown in slavery, or worse mated to one of those beasts.

I guess I should explain things a little bit more now.

About 17 years ago everything went to the ruins, the vampires took over.

From what I was told they were attacking everything that opposed them, they of course left as many as us alive as they could because A. we could be somebody's mate or B. they would want us as slaves so they could feed on us.

When they took over, my parents just had me and they fled, they made it to this small town that managed to stay untouched due to several long reasons, and they kept me here but soon after my 16 birthday they died.

This town is small and has a gate 10 feet high. They have people station at different check point around the gate just Incase something like this happens, but we still wasn't no match to them.

I soon found a small cave to my left in the wood, I scouted the area before I went in.

I really don't like places that don't have more than one exit but this is the only place I can go to right now and still make sure nobody is sneaking up behind me.

I sighed.

I shook my head and walk farther in the cave watching out for spiders and spider webs.

I hate them.

No matter how much training I go through to kill those beasts I will never get over my fear of spiders.

I rested my back against the back of the cave after making sure there wasn't anything that was gonna crawl on me and watching the little light the crept through the entrance of the cave.

The cave was deep but it was deep enough that if a person would look at the entrance that wouldn't be able to tell that somebody was in here.

There wasn't much I can do at this point besides sit here.

I rushed out before I could grab any weapons.

I can't get to anywhere for at least a couple of hours on foot, maybe more.

I sighed again.

Damn it.

I'm gonna have to go back and get my weapons. But there is no point in going now when they are there.

I'm just gonna have to go back tomorrow, maybe mid-day and see what happen.

How much damage they have caused.

I let out a shaky breath.

Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

I shakes my head in look straight again.

I need to stay focused. I can cry when I am safe.

I lean my head again the cave wall and closed my eyes.

Who know when that will be again.


I know this is short but this is just the beginning, so if you like it so far please vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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