Chapter One

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Levi was obsessed. 

He needed to know.

He needed to find out who she was. 

Those memorable (E/C) eyes, the petrifying voice. The bright pink hair. He couldn't forget them.

Levi Ackerman was a solo artist contracted with Survey Crops Records and held the title of Best Musical Artist five years in a row, with his most popular song being "Guren No Yumiya" His ego has never been higher. 

"Yo, Levi!" Erwin said, coming into the recording studio and putting a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" There was a pause. "It's not about that girl, is it?" 

"Leave me the fuck alone, Bushy Brows." Grumbled Levi. Erwin smiled, knowing he was right. 

Levi wasn't always this head-over-heels. In fact, he never planned on falling in love. Who was this Cinderella? 

He wasn't always so hung up.

Let's go back to where it all began, shall we?

(Y.N) (L.N) was a simple girl. She graduated from a simple high school and, more recently, a simple university. Her life wasn't extravagant, and she found her simple life happy. She worked at a cafe near her apartment. In her apartment, she lived with her roommate and best friend: Sasha. However, she had a talent which she didn't share with most, and that is her love for singing.

Her voice was not simple.

It was simply amazing.

She loved the feeling of vocally expressing music. It made her happy. She tried to expand her horizon with it, but never thought about going big. She was in the school talent shows every year and took time everyday to practice. 

(Y.N)'s friends knew of her hobby. They believed she had the talent to become something bigger, but she never thought she would fit in with that lifestyle.

One of those friends was Petra Ral. She was a sweet ginger and they met the the cafe they both worked at. They were very close and often times the reason for still working at the cafe for minimum wage. 

"And here you go!" (Y.N) said as she gave a girl her hot chocolate. The interaction was peaceful and polite. The girl left the cafe; she was the last one in there. Petra flipped over the sign so that the public could see that part which said "closed." (Y.N) stretched and sighed.  

"I'm so tired!" (Y.N) said. "I can't wait to get some sleep."

"Maybe you won't be so tired if you actually went to sleep at night." Petra teased. (Y.N) laughed.

"Well, isn't that true? Maybe if I could just put my phone down I could sleep like a baby." They joked around and talked as they cleaned up. (Y.N) hummed to herself as she wiped one of the tables, saying a couple of the lyrics of the song. She started stepping to the beat. It made her happy. Petra smiled. 

"You really could do something with that voice of yours." Petra said. (Y.N) scoffed. 

"Wish I could, Petra." (Y.N) went over to the counter and jumped over to the side Petra was on. "But I just don't have the time for it." Petra shook her head as (Y.N) walked to the back. She followed her. 

"It doesn't need to be anything big." Petra hung her apron next to (Y.N)'s. "Doesn't even need to be a music video or some big project like that."

"You know how pretentious I can be. It will bug me if it isn't exactly how I want it." The two women grabbed their purses and went out to the parking lot. Petra's car was waiting there. They both agreed that going home alone is not the safest thing in the world, so Petra drives both of them as they didn't live that far from each other. 

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