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"Yo, Derek we have a problem," yelled Liam, Alpha Derek's Beta, as he ran in his room at 4 am.

"WHAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM AT THIS HOUR," Derek yells at him as he wakes him up.

"Rouges at the south border of the territory," Liam said.

Hi my name is Derek and I'm the current Alpha of the Moonstone pack. Right now I've had a lot of Rouges enter my territory.  There was a pack close to mine, we weren't friends but we weren't enemies either. A year ago they were attacked by Rouges, and the whole pack gone, dead. But then the Rouges found out that my pack was close to it and started attacking mine or at least trying to. And my pack members are starting to get antsy. You see I'm 19 and I still haven't found my mate. Without my mate I'm not as strong as an Alpha that has their mate so my pack is more weak then most.


Now I'm out of of bed and dressed in thirty seconds. As I run out the door I shift into my Gray Wolf and run to the south border. I run and run with my beta to my left. When I get half way there I mind link Liam.

Liam how many Rouges. 

Five Derek

When we get there it's like a survivor episode. There's two of my pack members against five Rouges. Liam and I even the score by joining in on the fight. And in no time I just killed the last Rouge when the four of us heard a yelp from closer to the pack house. We shift and start running back to the pack house.

"Derek I feel like something's wrong ," my wolf named Spade tells me as we near the pack house.

"I know I feel it too but I can't pin point what it is, can you Spade," I start to feel antsy my self as we near the pack house. I start to feel itchy and I want to barf. We get to the front door of the pack house where my lead warrior, Mason, is standing.

"Mason did you hear that yelp that came from in the forest that's close to here," I ask him. I smelled something weird but I still couldn't pin point from where.  

"Ya Derek but it wasn't from in the forest it was right in front of the pack house. There was a Rouge that was walking to the house. I attacked but when I did it was weird." Mason reports.

"What do you mean weird Mason?" I asked him. There is one thing you should know about me I absolutely hate Rouges so in my territory, if you see a Rouge you have to kill it, no survivors. You see my parents were killed by Rouges so I kill every Rouge I come across whether they were forced into being one or not.

"I mean Derek that he submitted and said that he thinks his mate is here. So I knocked him out and put him in the basement so you can question him." Mason explains. 

"Shit." I mumbled. There's a rule among all wolves, Rouge or not, if you know your mate is in a pack or even think that your mate is in pack when you cross into that's pack territory then nobody can kill you til it's been ruled out that your mate really is or isn't in that pack.

 I go inside and start to head to the door that leads to the basement. After I open the door, HIS scent hits my nose and I slam the door shut.

"MATE," Spade yells. I control him enough to not just run down there and rape him.When I turn around I can tell that Liam and Mason are shocked and confused. Well, frankly so am I. I never thought that wolves can have the same gender as a mate. But what's worse for me is that mine is a ROUGE. I send Liam down there to question him while I go upstairs to my office.I go to my office to see if I have any books that can tell me more about this.

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