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They didn't stop running until they got to Veronica's car.

Obviously, they had an advantage, the nuns were old and didn't look like they could run very far, but still, Toni was happy to have Cheryl back. Veronica was in front of them, lighting the way with her little flashlight and the two of them were right behind the girl, holding hands the whole way.

Cheryl was clinging onto Toni by the time they got to the car, squeezing her tightly, as if the pink haired girl might disappear if she let go.

"Are you okay, Cheryl?" Veronica asked, seeming truly concerned, which confused the redhead. She didn't even think they would come looking for her, I mean why would they?

She glanced down at Toni, the way the girl looked at her was something she'd never witnessed before, with pure adoration. 

"I... Yeah, I think so."

Veronica smiled and rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.

"Alright then, let's go." Toni said eager to get Cheryl out of that dreadful uniform but also nervous that, somehow, the nuns would get to them.

Cheryl got into the backseat, with Toni by her side and placed their joined hands in her lap as she lay her head on Toni's shoulder, playing with the serpent's fingers while they steered away from that prison. And as they drove every mile farther, it was as if she could finally breathe.

She was drained, both emotionally and physically, she had spent her whole day carrying bags and crying, all she wanted to do was close her eyes just for a bit and imagine herself with her girlfriend. Toni could sense Cheryl tensing up and wrapped her arms around her in an attempt to make her feel safe. She couldn't care less who was watching or if she looked vulnerable, all she wanted was to make Cheryl comfortable.

Toni looked at Cheryl as the girl's head started getting heavier on her shoulder and she couldn't help but kiss her forehead. Three times. Then five. Then ten.

Cheryl looked up at her and smiled for the first time since the rescue. The thought of what she had to go through made Toni angry, she was already so broken. From then on, the pink-haired girl promised herself, Cheryl would never hurt like that again.

She placed one final kiss on her forehead and gently ran her fingers through her hair, hearing her murmur something while dozing off.

"Hey Toni?" She looked away from her sleeping girl to see Veronica, who was looking at them with a small smile on her face. "Where should we take her?"

"She'll stay with me." She nodded to herself. "I don't really feel like letting her out of my sight just yet."

"You really think she'll be okay?" Veronica asked concerned, she knew what Cheryl had been through, after her breakdown in the locker room she had confided in her.

The serpent sighed, looking back at the girl in her arms for a moment.

"She will be."

The rest of the ride was a comfortable silence and Cheryl woke up as soon as the car stopped, the lack of movement making her stir.

"Baby, we're here." Toni said with the softest voice, she always thought Cheryl looked cute after waking up and couldn't help her tenderness.

Everything was so dark, Cheryl had warped her arms around Toni's torso as the girl spoke with Veronica from outside the car. She couldn't really make out where they were but she trusted Toni enough to know that she would never take her back to Thistlehouse.

"Thank you so much V.. For helping me get out of there." Cheryl spoke interrupting their conversation, her voice was so low but she knew they had heard her because she saw their smiles as they exchanged glances.

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