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Before Dawn.

"I'm going to kill you, Sirius!" Nora yelled, running after the laughing boy. She definitely wasn't normally a runner but right now, all she wanted was to catch up to him and give him a piece of her mind.

"Alright!" Sirius said, slowing down and turning to face the red faced - mainly from funning, but partly from anger - girl before him. A grin was still on his face. Nora wanted to slap it off, "Truce? Cease fire?" he asked, hands raised in surrender.

"Fine." she said angrily, arms crossed, waiting for some kind of apology.

Sirius smiled and just by that, Nora almost forgave him. No, you're angry, no allowances just because he's cute, she reminded herself sternly. Nora's eyebrows rose, "well? what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Have you done something different with your hair?" he said deadpanned but after a few seconds, and a glare from Nora, he was laughing again, loud barks of laughter that normally made her laugh with him; he had that kind of laugh.

"Wrong answer, I think!"

Her dark brown eyes were probably black with anger as she took a menacing step towards him.

Sirius stared at her with one eyebrow up and a small smirk on his face, "I don't know why you're so angry Nora -"

"My hair is blue!" she burst, causing a few early morning stragglers to pause in the hallway and stare. Nora pulled out strands of her now vibrant-coloured hair to emphasize the point, "It's freaking blue, Sirius, and, as you can probably see, it is not my colour!"

And the famous, Sirius Black grin is still on his irritating face. It turns into the expression he normally wears when he flirts with one of his many admirers, "I think you look amazing in -"

"You can't charm your way out of this one, Black!" She warned and he pouted.

"That's all I've got," he sighed in defeat and then walked over to her and slung an arm over her shoulder, ignoring another one of her glares. The pair walked off back in the direction of the common room, Sirius smirking slightly and Nora still fuming.

 "I'm sure Lily, being a spell and potions encyclopaedia, will know how to do something about... this." The this referring to the hair. 

"Let's hope so," she muttered as they approach the portrait of the fat lady, "So... just to clarify... you aren't going to apologise?"

Sirius barks out a laugh which causes Nora to give him a swift elbow to his side, not that the weak hit even effects him in any way, "Of course not. I'm not even sorry!"

"I thought so... Give me your jumper. Now."

"Er - what?" Sirius stops and looks at her with a quizzical expression. Nora sighs and steps from underneath his arm and holds out her hand/

"Calm down, you'll get it back, I just don't want people to see.. this." Again, the this referring to my hair. With a sigh, he pulled the jumper off and practically threw it at me.

"Ooh, angry Sirius," she cooed as she pulled it on, "Tentacula," she said to the Fat Lady. As her portrait swung open, Nora pulled the hood up over her hair and quickly walked through, and straight up to the dormitory, avoiding any prying eyes by walking with her head down and staring at her feet as they walked up the steps instead, hoping Lily was alone in there. Normally she didn't mind her room mates - well, most of them - they had a laugh and got on well together - again, most of them - but Nora just didn't want them to see her hair when it could be sorted quick enough that no one would have to.

Before Dawn {Sirius Black Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now