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A small town like Rinehart is a place where you would expect there to be basically no commotion at all, thats what I used to think at least. I've lived here for 14 years and nothing has ever happened. As soon as I got into high school ALL of that changed, it seemed like the adults were more secretive, especially about the students that were starting to act, different. Everyone thinks these particular students are just trying to scare us, but for some reason I don't think they are. One time while I was in Biology a girl named Jenna, stood straight up on her seat in the middle of the silent classroom and started chanting. At first everyone laughed because they thought she was trying to be funny, but then her eyes started to roll into the back of her head. Instead of seeing white, we saw black, and then people started getting up with her. The classroom teacher, Mrs. Holt, almost immediately called security. Why she wouldn't try to get them off the chairs herself, i don't know. When security arrived, they had a first aid kit, but when they opened it, they didn't have anything a first aid kit would have had in it. Instead they had clear syringes with black liquid inside of them. They took the syringe and slowing slipped the needle into Jenna's arm, she winced in pain and then fell to the ground, the other students came back to reality, and sat back in they're chairs like nothing had just happened. They grabbed Jenna by her arms and legs and nobody has seen her ever since that day. Those students who stood up on the chairs with her don't even remember the event. That entire day, October 21, 1985, is a blank to them. Eery events like this keep happening too. Now the other students sit in fear of every other student, wondering who the next victim will be.
So that was the first, but very short chapter. I really hope that you guys liked it. I will put out a new chapter, I just don't know when.
Ttyl weirdos ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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