"Moon" - The Original

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Her head shot up as a shadow passed by her window. She slid off her bed and looked out into the open space, seeing nothing in the darkness outside. She glanced around before drawing the curtains slightly and returning to her place. Something moved again and the teenage girl slowly reached for the Swiss Army knife that happened to be on her nightstand, already regretting not closing the window.

    "Is someone there?" she asked cautiously, hiding the fear that had crept into her heart.

    "No one that you should be worried about," a boy's voice assure and a figure poked his head through the open window. She blinked, mildly surprised as his hooded, upside-down face smiled warmly. Mary recognized him as one of the town's unofficial protectors- the boy that went by the name Sorcerer.

    "Oh, Sorcerer, what... brings you here? To my house?" the girl asked.

    "I happened to see your light on and decided to stop by. Mind if I come in?" the masked boy asked. Mary shrugged.

"If you want. Just don't wake my mom, alright?"

The boy grinned and laughed. "Yeah, that would be awkward." Sorcerer stood by the window while the normal girl looked basically anywhere but the mysterious local hero.

"Is there something you need, Sorcerer?" Mary finally asked. Why else would a famous, powerful person visit her while she was reading?

The boy shrugged. "Nah, except for some company."

"Really?" Mary asked suspiciously.

Sorcerer looked at her with his calm, resolute, chocolate brown eyes.

"Seriously. Am I not allowed to see why someone is still up when it's nearly two in the morning?" he questioned with a lighthearted smirk.

"Is that really the time?" Mary reached for her phone and saw that the time was indeed three minutes until two AM. "Well, shoot."

Sorcerer chuckled. "You should probably get some sleep. I'll leave you be." He suddenly was outside the window on the roof despite being in Mary's room only a second before. She jumped before scowling, realizing what he had done.

"Darn you and your magic ability."

He chuckled once more. "What's your name?" he asked, the question catching Mary off guard.

"Marilyn Halsala," the girl answered, "But everyone calls me Mary." She did not ask his name; the news asked after every fight or skirmish and the answer was never given.

Sorcerer nodded. "See you around then, Mary!"
The girl waved goodbye and turned off her lamp as the cloaked figure took his leave.

What in the world just happened? Mary stared at the ceiling with more than a few questions circling in her mind and even further from sleep than she had been before.

The local hero came back the next night, and the night after that, and the night after that. He showed up at her window before midnight and left normally only an hour or so later. Mary, despite her questions about his sudden interest in her, enjoyed every moment of their times together watching stupid videos online or rambling about what just happened in her book before he showed up, or his thoughts on the most recent conflict he was involved in. Sorcerer seemed genuinely interested in her, much to Mary's surprise. She would think that someone who has mysterious magic powers would stick to the other interesting people who had similar abilities. Not everyone had something special, and if you did, you were often called blessed by nature- better than the people who were not so.

But Mary refused to ask the question that had been bugging her and possibly ruin their blossoming friendship. Whether Sorcerer decided to talk to her by chance or if he had some greater plan with her, Mary decided that she would be grateful for a real friend nonetheless. She had guessed from his slang and body language that he must be around her age, which explained so much about why he did some of the things he did in the fights that were so often broadcast on the current events in social studies class.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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