Alternate World By Tyler Evans

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Chapter 1

A New Place

Tyler came home from school one day, but his mother and father, Melisa and Brian, were furious by the bad grades Tyler has been making. "Tyler, you need to start getting better grades!" said Melissa, his mother, "If you don't get good grades... I'm... I'm sorry. We'll have to take your computer away, until you are responsible enough for it again."

Tyler went to his room bawling in tears. But when he closed his eyes, he saw something... different. A colorful place with unusual flowers, and the trees have the shape of planets, and clouds are of shape of rockets. Tyler walked around in the weird but beautiful world. But back at his home, Tyler was also walking. And Dekker (Tyler's twelve-year-old brother) saw Tyler walk through a wall. Dekker screamed and Tyler heard it through the Tyler's ears on Earth. Tyler woke up in the real world, by closing his eyes on the beautiful planet. Tyler saw that he was in the next room and came to his room with Dekker in it holding a hammer, ready to swing it at Tyler if he tried to attack. "Dekker?" Said Tyler. "What the HELL is happening right now!?" Shouted Dekker. "What do you mean Dekker?" Asked Tyler. "'what do you mean' yeah right. You know what I mean!" Exclaimed Dekker "No I don't. I'm sorry if that's not the answer you want. I just don't know what you mean." Tyler was sorry to give that answer to Dekker. "Okay. Tyler, I saw you walk through a wall. Okay. A W-A-L-L. Now do you know why I'm freaking out? Right Tyler? Tyler? Tyler." Said Dekker more calmly. Tyler left to the other world and walked away.

"Okay. I need to find out why this is happening. Hmmm... Let me call up the gang." Said Tyler. "Yellow this is Rayce." "Hey bud this is Tyler" "Oh hey how ya doing?" "I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. I uhhh need you to call the rest of the gang." "Why?" Asked Rayce. "You'll see why tomorrow. Tell them to get to the Game Room DUN DUN DUN hopefully tomorrow." "The Game Room DUN DUN DUN?" "Yes, The Game Room DUN DUN DUN." Said Tyler.

Chapter Two

Friends to Trust

The next day. "Bye mom! I'm going to hang out with the gang!" Shouted Tyler. "Uhh no you're not." Said Melisa. "You're still grounded. Just grab your breakfast and go back to your room." "But the gang and I were going to hang out today." Said Tyler. "(sigh) how about this you can't come out until your done with lunch. Deal?" Said Melisa "Okay deal." Said Tyler.

When Tyler was done with lunch. "Bye mom, bye dad!" Said Tyler. "Don't get into trouble." Said Brian. "I won't!" Said Tyler. "Okay I need to tell them the be ready 'because I'll be there in about ten minutes."

Ten minutes later. "Okay so why do you need us Tyler?" said Rayce. "You (panting) needed (panting) me (panting some more) so I ran as fast as I can 'because it takes thirty-six minutes to get here, and since I only had ten, I needed to run." Panted Cavan. "Cause, why did you need me? I mean, I had to do a lot of school to do, well not really but I wanted to learn damn it." Said Spencer a bit angerly. "Okay this is what I needed to tell you guys. So, when I close my eyes, I see a new planet. A beautiful planet with all types of colors I've never seen. And at my house yesterday Dekker saw this and saw me walk through a wall. When he said that I was in the other planet. So, what do you guys think this means?" Asked Tyler. "hey, Tyler. It's weird I admit, but maybe this is happening for a reason." Said Rayce touching Tyler's shoulder. But when Tyler closed his eyes Rayce was able to see the other planet. "Waugh. Holy shit! What was that? Tyler did the place have trees the shape of planets?" "Yeah. Why Rayce?" Asked Tyler. "I just saw the planet you were talking about." Exclaimed Rayce. "Wait you did? Hmmm... everyone hold hands maybe we can all see if we hold hands." Said Tyler. Everyone held hand and they all saw the weird planet. "Hey can everyone hear me?" Asked Tyler. Everyone replied with "Yes. Loud and clear." "Where are we?" Asked Tyler. There was a little alien walking around. So, Tyler asked "Where are we in the universe?" And the alien replied with, what they heard was gibberish. No one understood it, obviously. Then it pulled out a translator and had it speak their language. It said "Hi, you on Hellenard in Funganwea galaxy. Welcome. Me Wednard." "I am Tyler, this is Rayce, Cavan, and Spencer." But all Wednard heard was gibberish. Wednard than had the language translator go back to her language. Then she heard "I am Tyler, this is Rayce, Cavan, and Spencer."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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