abbacchio>>>>???/ are you ... ok .a.y...

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"HHHNNFNGGNGGGGH!!!" abbacchuio screamed as he sat on the ugly fuckin vomit puke shit stained old ass toilet in the shitty as motherfcukin uhhh. "hggggg....." he mumbkleddc, tryting to force that big ass dookie out his thin muscluar buttocks cheeks duo poopin mechanism. "HEKLP! BY THE BEATLES" he yelled, compl,etely frorgetting that bruno was in the other room and heARING everything and he was essentiall y embarrassing himself in front of his superior but man fuck it he needed ta poopie becaujse if he didnt his insides would explode and get doodoo all in them motherfux. "oh god. oh fuck. i trfhink its coming out...: he mumbled, dreaing the big BIG SHART WAVE SHARTCORE SHARTHEAD BITCHES COMIN OUT SOON FUCKIN SUMMER BITCHES SUMMER OCEAN WAVES SUMMER SUN SOAKIN UP THEM RAYS SUNSHINE I HAVE A CROTCH RASH.. an then it came out and 50 pubich airs iff he even has that many i see him bein sorta bald like baldi or sumn shitz like that becaudse i dont knmow he just seems like hje would be overly hygienic especially about that i ean he dont want no pubies getting into the tea kettle that which he uses to pull epic pranks on the fukkin gang gang gang motherfuckers .  ummm yeah s othe turdlet exceprt it was actually a huge badunk it wa really big and it fiolled adn clogged the toilet and he could feel his butthole itchin from it because it was so big and it kinda hurt and the toilet water wass now brown and yellow because he had peed while sitting down because he had to go as well and it just made things ocnvenient although his baby dick madew things rather hard but it was alright motherfucxs.

ok  . okthe shart was done after a few waves of the shits and the runs but now hes was gettin a big bumhole rash so what was he to do about it the toilet paper was thin and sandpaper like in its ways making things rather irritating and uncomfy, how was he to have anal now! god DAMN! ok so basically he decided he needed some ltoion to moisteruize but since he didnt any he just went with it and returned to his normal line of busines but thats not all because later that night it was taco tusesday and ummm the saga contiunes ? i gue.s but thsi time, was not ALONE in the bathroom because bruno had to help him to the bathroom because his bowel movement were so strong he coulnt feel his legs or his elbows. it was jut that bad. bruno felt ashamed watching abbacchuio crying on the toilet as he sharted out his entire existence an all of his meals in thjr past few days

"brfunmo. " abnbacchio mumbled, buriying his face into hjis hand out of anguish and embarrassment and flusuterenedd and umm whatedver the hell else. "if i die onthi toilet. i need you to know thant i always wanted you to raw me . buttsex." vbruno blushed but was too grossed out at the prospect of poopy dick t odo anything "mayne later he said, feeding abbacchio mroe imodium tablets. "youl;l be okay babey. dont worry"

and thosed words were enough to make abbacchio feel peace at his most dire hours, bruno was such a romantic, and whenever the white haired male was around him, he felt complete and utter relaxation as well as happiness- a rare occurance in his boring, melancholy-brimming life. he felt complete serenity on that toilet that one night, and he let it all out, just as bruno had wanted him to. hopefully, there would never have to be such consolations again, even though abbacchio really liked them.

sometimes, though, he would purposefully laced his own foods with laxatives so that bruno would comfort him. it was nice. goodbye. 

doo doo! i lvoe bruababWhere stories live. Discover now