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"Jeejuu, I'm hungry," Finally hopping down the boulder, Shikha whined. "Please lets go."

Chuckling at his sweet little sister, he glanced at the vast lush expanse of the valley again, before taking her hand into his, and helping her from over the rugged terrain to where they were parked further down the valley.

"Where do you want to eat?" he asked.

"Town centre maybe. There must be some good places, right?"

"Hmm, I haven't ventured around much." Advay glanced at his watch. "It a little before half past eight. The town is about an hour from here......they must be serving breakfast at this time." let's look around."

"Haan tho chalo please lets go."

As they finally made it out of the metal gates, they found Veer leaning against the car rocking his head to the beats pouring down through his head phones, while watching the cricket match on his phone. He had scanned the place as quickly as he could and had chosen to get back to his car as there was no reception up in the valley.

"I'm sick so of this man," Shikha groaned. "Look at how romantic this place is, and look at how he is lost to his game."

Circling his arms around her, Advay laughed, but couldn't help kiss her temple.


Ten minutes later, they had hit the road, and were back on their way to the town, when he groaned again in despair as both Veer and Shikha began ripping each other's head off over something silly.

"Enough ... Cut it, you two," Advay yelled at the two of them, and rolled his eyes to find Veer glancing over his shoulder glaring at Shikha and Shikha too pouting back at him.

"I had lost my mind to have married you." Sitting in the passenger seat, beside him, Veer snapped at her.

"Haan...I'm a fool too." Advay groaned when Shikha choked on her tears. "You can still divorce me, you know?"

"What?" Advay snapped at this two siblings in horror.

"Lets get a divorce. Lets be done with this." She sniffled.

"Shut up you two." Advay snapped, unable to understand what had happened so suddenly. He had been scuttling between Rishikesh and Prayag for over six weeks, but had never realised there was trouble in paradise.

"Veer you need to stop fighting with my sister, alright?"

"Bhai please, you always take her side."

"That's because she's mostly right"

"Thanks Jiju."

"Badi ayee Jiju ki ladli."

"What the fuck is this fight all about anyways?" Advay snapped.

"Poocho. Ask your darling sister." Veer glared at his pouting wife for the rear mirror. "She went out and got our room painted in pink without once asking me."

"What?" Advay gasped.

"Haan. Pink. Can you imagine ....Pink. And when I lost my mind, she accused me of not being in touch with my feminine side."

"You two are squabbling over a fucking wall colour." He snapped. "What the fuck! Give me a break please."

"Bhai it's a big decision" Veer looked at his brother with disbelief. "I want blue...she wants pink....and she didn't even ask me before getting it done.....Now Bhai how the hell am I meant to sleep in a pink princess bedroom?"

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