Chapter 1

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My pack was in dire need of food. The humans took our prey so we had to go hunting for the remaining prey because of this. I ran through the forest slope's searching left and right. My amber golden eyes shined in the sun. My gray fur ruffled in the wind.

I ran down the forest slope's in search for prey. Soon I spot a doe up far ahead on one of the lower slope's. I silently walked closer to her as she rose her head up high. Her ears twitching towards the slightest noise.

Her twisting her head to the left giving me the chance to pound. I got in a pouncing position as she turned her head. She lowered her head carefully taking some sips. I jump grasping her back with my teeth and claws.

Sinking my fangs and claws in her back. Biting on her spine breaking it in the process disabling the ability to walk. Making her to collapsed on the ground, I went for her neck. Sinking my fangs in it. Ripping off the hide and flesh off its body. I howled for my pack to come to me.

I heard running from a far and my pack came into view. The pack leader Arch said, "Finally, you caught us real food omega." Yes I was an omega, but I hated that word. "I told you to stop calling me omega. It's puppy like for an Alpha." I spat at him. "You don't get to tell me what to do. But you are one." He said in a mocking voice. He put a smirk on his face as his dark gray fur seem to sway in the wind.

"Just call me by my real name please." I asked him as I sat down and waited for my turn to eat. "Because, omega I like calling you that, because that's your place." He said with a mouth full. Rude.

He went back to stuffing his face in the flesh of the doe. As the others torn at it limb to limb. Enjoying their feast that I caught with my stealth and strength. As the wolves finished eating leaving little flesh but enough to make me full.

I finish eating up the leftovers of meat and headed back to my pack. As I past by the others who ignore my presence. I headed towards my brothers den.

I walked in to see a white wolf with light gray stripes similar to mine. He was my brother, he's an beta in the pack in forcing rules when needed. I laid down besides him nudging his head to wake him up.

"What." He groggily said as he slowly lifted his head to look at me. "Brother I'm tired of this pack... I'm leaving tonight. You don't have to come with me though." I said as he perked his ears straight up.

"But you can't leave, you can't leave me Dusk. I'm older than you I can protect you. And if the Alph-" He pleaded to me not to leave. "Silence." I said as I looked him straight in the eye. "I'm not a pup anymore, Spirit." I said as I stood up and walked towards my bed. "Oh cmon Dusky. You can't do this your the only one I have left."

One hour later

I woke up an hour later to howling and my brother gone. I walked out the den and looked around to see it's clear.

I heard waling from the distance. I was spooked when it got louder making me scurry towards the woods. I ran as fast as I can, dodging trees and jumping over logs. I found a burrow in a large tree, so I ran inside of it, backing up in the corner.

I kept hearing the wails as they came closer. I could hear it in my ears but I seen nothing outside of the burrow. The wails got louder and louder and louder and louder and..... They stopped. I couldn't hear it anymore and I was thankful I couldn't.

I stepped outside of the burrow and out in the light. I looked around listening and smelling the air. It was clear so I started walking back to the den. I smelled blood in the air, it was so thick I couldn't smell anything else.

I came towards the place where I heard the wails of pain, I stepped in something wet yet warm. I looked down in horror, it was blood, fresh blood. I took a step back looking down at my blood covered paw. I ran past the blood puddle still filled with the terror of what I might find.

I skidded to a stop looking around me with terror. My wolf packs blood has been shed, the blood covered the land. Everywhere you look there is a body that was brutally torn apart limb by limb. From up far I saw my brother, I ran towards his body only to stop in my tracks.

He was covered in deep claw marks and his throat torn out with veins outside his throat. He was coated in blood his white fur now is crimson red. Tears running down my fur, I sense a presence near me.

I looked around for it, I seen something come out of the bushes. It was a pitch black wolf with large white eyes, it was if it wasn't a wolf. But it wasn't a wolf. My heart grew heavy and so did my eyelid's, I wanted to cry and I wanted to scream. More surrounded me, the closer they got the more miserable I felt.

Every thing went dark and the only thing I can see are the large soulless eyes looking back at me. One by one their eyes started to slowly shut, as I seen the out line of their body turning away. One large pair of eyes was left looking down at me. It closed its eyes and so did I.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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