what if killer whales were actually kind

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John Watsnyoom sat in the livin room without making a sound. Kinda like a mouse or something.

"Squeak squeak." John whispered into his reg mug of hot coffee.

Sherlock Homo walked into the room, his curly wurly hair swirling like some kind of swirly thing.

"Was that a... squeak squeak i heared?" Sherlock squinted, at jhon, his blueish greenish eyes looking pretty pissed if i do say so myself

"It mighta been. Why u all up in my junk Sheltock." John countered (almost like Counterattack! which is a cool band pls buy the album Borderline Romantics) gingerly.

"Becuase.,,. BecUausw. Because I love mice John." Sherlock admitted quietly. "Mice do what you say, mm, turn me on."

"Squeak squeak." John muttered, looking into Sherlock's eyes.

"ThT turns me on john stopp it!!" Sherlock screamed.

"I know. Thats why im doing it u re re!"

John squealed but kinda in this mumbling way like its like "oo hehya hewaqhay." u know like that sound like when you rub a plastic bag on black leather.

"John,, Iwve never kissed anyone before'." Sherlock sighed loudly, raising his black eyebrows like a meme loving fuck raises his donger.

"I will take your kissing virginiity!"

John pulled shelfokck down onto his lap and started to kiss his thick cheeks, they tasted like air and some kind of raw pasta.

"You my friend are a total babe." John smiled while kissing the vampire-white cheeks.

"John i want kissing which is like lips i think." Sherlock went to his mind plalavce.

A kiss is the pressing of one's lips against another person or an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, peace and good luck, among many others. In some situations a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect, or sacrament. The word came from Old English cyssan ("to kiss"), in turn from coss ("a kiss").

Sherlock went really dom and kissed john right on his pink lips.

"Wowzers!" John exclaimed.

"Ill makr you scream Wowzers! in bed u cock slut." Sherlock growled like a bulldog.

"Boys!! Is everything ok?!" Mrs. Hudson asked, barging into the room.

She let out a soul piercing scream before saying "MY OTP IS CANON I NEED TO UPDATE MY BLOG!!!!"

Sherlock stood up and pushed her down the stairs like "Updatee this blog HUDDERS!"

"THat was really attractive of you sherlcok. Thanks for safing me." john blushed loudly.

Sherlock grabbed john's dick with his long arms annd palmed it. John moaned a lil and then let out a tiny squeak.


"Squeak squeak!"

John knew then that he was in love. And sherlock was just kinda horny but i guess he was in love,,!

He pushed off of the short man and got on his knee.

"Blowjob??" John asked happy facedly.

"No. Will you marry me?" Sherlock asked, a big smile on his face like a hamster that had food in his teeth. So gorgeosu.


"OH my!" mes hudson screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

"What is it?" John yelled.

"Because Shdrrlcok just asked u out!!!!!!!" Ahahhahhhh."

"No i was just asking for a friend?" Sherlock mumbled loudlyy.

"Oh but i wanna mary you."

Ok sheerlock said.

Ten months later

"Wow its almost like we're married" John laughed as sherlock poured milk in his asshole.

"We are married you dingaling!" Sherlock laughed, almost sploshing milk.

"Is this 2%" john asked.

"Yeah." Sherlock saif.

The end.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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