Poem 'Let there be a Storm'

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Please, please, let there be a storm,

let the fierce winds shake the trees

and scream across the rocky heights,

the mounting violence shape the seas

with sloping greys and foaming whites,

howling round the rooftops, flicking rain,

spattering against the window pane.


And may the storm not peter in the night

but rage around the dark outside

and thump against the soaking walls,

and roar across the valleys wide

with branches breaking in the squalls,

the frightening force felt far and high and deep,

the maelstrom building beyond our gentle sleep.


And when I wake and find the storm has grown,

I will want to fly out in the rain,

enjoy the dim and early light

and race to feel alive again

while thrown about in Nature's fight.

I shall run and run, heart pounding, to the sea

and face that fearsome wind and feel so free.


Grassy land with monstrous waves each side,

my plinth amidst the seething white,

leaning forward, arms spread wide,

flapping overpowered kite,

blasted back by it's appalling might.

I will shout and scream, but my tiny voice be drowned

in the magnificent storm and its searing, awful sound.

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