~~Riders on the storm~~

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''Juvia likes Gray-sama" said the blue haired woman .

It was evening . The sky had taken a deep scarlet colour . There was quiet , so the only thing Juvia could heard were the birds that were singing ….. and her heartbeat .

Juvia couldn't imagine what the ice mage was thinking . He was just looking her with a blank face . She was nervous about what he would say . His words would be her destiny .

"So the rumours were true …" Gray said after a while .

Juvia didn't speak . She was still looking him . He was man who saved her life . He forgave her . Then there wasn't rain in her life but only sun . Gray was her life .

"I thought , you had fallen for Lyon …. " he said .

What ? she thought . She would never loved someone else except from Gray-sama . Lyon was just an annoying guy . She would never fall for him . Even though he was cute , her heart belonged to Gray .

" I am sorry Juvia , but i can't love you …'' he said , after a big breath .

Juvia didn't need to hear something else . That was enough . How could she believe that he loved her ? She was the rain woman . No one wanted her . This is how she was borned and this is how she would die . She couldn't change that .

"I see ." she said emotionless .

She smiled softly. She didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable .

"Let's stay friends . " the raven haired boy said and smiled to her .

"O-ok" Juvia whispered .

She was trying not to cry . But she couldn't help . Her heart had broken . She was hurting inside her . It wasn't the usual pain when for example you hurt yourself in a battle , it was something different . Juvia had the same feeling before when she was a little and no one wanted to be with her . But this time she was hurting more … After a while she knew that she was ready to cry .

Some tears appeared in her eyes . " Juvia has to go. " she said and run away from him .

She didn't want to see if Gray was following her or if he was still there . The only thing she wanted to do , was to go to her home and cry .

Fortunately , when she arrived at Fairy Hills , only some girls that she didn't know , looked her . If someone of her friends was there , she would have to explain what happened and she wasn't in the right mood .

She locked herself at her room and burst into tears . This couldn't have happened to her . She , for first time , had met a boy that she really liked and he accepted her . Why couldn't they be together ? Maybe there was something with her appearance . Juvia had tried many hairstyles but nothing changed . Then there was the fact that she was talking weird , but she couldn't change her habit . Maybe he didn't want her because she was weak , but always she tried her best . What if he had someone he liked ? Then Juvia couldn't do anything . Well she could kill her love rival but that way Gray would be unhappy . She had gone insane . How could she forget Gray-sama and go on her life ? She could change guild but she loved Fairy Tail . She could try avoid to him but how long she would be able to do that ? She didn't want to think about him anymore . She wanted to forget him . Why life was so hard ? Why did she meet him ? The answer was simple . That was her fate .

She hugged a doll of Gray that she had and laid at her bed . She was crying for hours but in the end she slept …



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