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December 25th

On an early December morning, the smell of a warm fire filled the room

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On an early December morning, the smell of a warm fire filled the room. "Jimmy Hopkins and Lydia Lawton please come to the main office." I smiled to myself as I shoved my books into my locker. Every Christmas my mom and dad send me a Christmas gift, variety of clothes and pictures of my family always came inside of a small box.
I perambulated swiftly to the main office to receive my present.

"Hey, Lawton!" I turn quickly around to see Johnny Vincent staring straight at me, somewhat of a smile on his face. "You seen Lola around?" I shrugged in response and folded my arms over my chest.
"She's been running around with that kid Gord or something... do you think you could help me?" Asked Johnny.

"I suppose I could..." I looked away for a slight moment, thinking of what I should be responding with. "What do I get in return?"

"Let's just say I'll put in a good word about you to all the cliques." I nod, flattening out my green and black dress.

"I-I gotta go now, I'll see you later Johnny." Seeing him wave and smile made me smile back as well. Them greasers almost always being so laid back and chill. I wish I was in a chill clique.

While the thought of family inched it's way back into my mind, I continue my venture up to the main office in order to gain my gift until I heard the voice of someone I've never met before shout out in anger. "Hey, what the hell-" I giggled to myself as I see the new boy wearing a green sweater with Rudolph imprinted on the front. "Awh come on." He whined, slapping his hands on his thighs.

"Cute, new kid." He rolled his eyes and stomped the box down into the garbage, showing his frustration. Seeing my present, I walk over to the women. "Thank you." I grab the box out of the lady's hands and unwrap it.
"Oh no." I sighed, unwrapping it to see the same sweater. I pull it over my head and giggled to myself.

I stare over the sweater from my best view and try to make it look more decent. "Cute, Lydia." The new boy, who  I didn't think he knew my name, smirked at me as he saw me wearing the identical sweater. "They called your name over the speakers, I could only imagine that was you."

"Well... Ya, that's me." My hair falls in front of my face and I pick up my head. His smile forcing one on my face. "And I suppose you're Jimmy." His smile softens and he widens his stance, crosses his arms and nods.

"Sure am. Don't let that kid Gary ruin your own thoughts on me, he ain't right in the head. I gotta...uhm- Get to Class now, but I'll see you around Lydia." He waved goodbye, as I do in return. Gary? That sociopath! I've only talked to Gary like once... and that once wasn't a positive interaction.

— later that night in the boys dorm—

"Petey I'm not supposed to be here, it's past my curfew!" Jimmy and Gary waltz's into the room, arguing about some dude named Mike.
"What's up Jimmy," I wave as they walked in. They didn't seem to notice my greeting.

"Oh, hey." Jimmy waved slowly, still focusing on Gary's dumb argument. "Alright Gary, you're right," responded Jimmy to the lunatic standing in front of him.

"I know I'm right, I'm always right, Jimmy! You should know this by now." My eyes rolled at the cockiness of Gary.
"Who- oh yeah! It's that one girl... what's your name?" Standing from my couch, I flatten out my sweater and walk closer to the two boys.

"I'm Lydia, I don't blame you for not remembering me." Gary shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Ha!" Gary laughs. "You guys have matching sweaters!" My eyes trail over to Jimmy to see the same green sweater.

"Cut it out man." Jimmy slightly pushes him. "Our parents probably didn't bring us anything so the school might have got us something instead." Jimmy had a point. Now that I think about it...

"My parents didn't bring me a gift this year...?" I look down to the ground, sadness overwhelming me.

"Suck it up, most kids don't get presents. You're just one of the lucky ones." What a dick Gary was, my oh my.

"I'm aware, it's just my family always sends me a present... and this year they didn't. Did they forget about me?" Everyone was quiet, thinking of how to respond, or just thinking about how they want me out of their dorm.
"I'll leave, sorry." My silent laugh became a little bit more audible.

"I'll walk you to your dorm if you don't mind." Jimmy suggested. "I mean it's dark and the prefects are out there, I can easily out run them myself so I'll be fine on my way back."

"Oh uh... yeah that would be wonderful." My smile widened and I turn back to Pete. "I'll catch ya later Petey!" He waved back, crawling over the back of the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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