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"Mommy! Can I have some candy?" Polly asked as she and her mom walked past a candy store. "No, dear, candy aren't good for you. Plus, we need to hurry home! Tick tock tick tock!" Polly pouted and watched longingly at the candy store as they walked past. "If only Candyland was a thing!" Polly mumbled. Her mom chuckled. "Honey, that's impossible."
When Polly got home, it was already her bedtime. Her mom tucked her into bed and left. Polly closed her eyes, and for a few moments it was quiet and peaceful. Until she heard a voice. Immediately she sat up and caught her doll, Lu Lu, standing up. Lu Lu started walking toward the closet.
"Hey!" Polly yelled and Lu Lu turned around. "Wha-I thought you were asleep!" Lu Lu muttered. "Where are you going?" Polly asked. "To Candyland, where we dolls have fun and relax." Lu Lu replied. Polly's eye lit up. "Ooh! Can I come too? Pretty please with cherry on top!"
Lu Lu hesitated. "But-" Polly pouted and used puppy eyes. Lu Lu sighed. "Fine." Polly cheered and jumped off the bed, walking to Lu Lu. "Now, how will we get there?" She asked. Lu Lu smiled. "By the wardrobe, silly." Polly grinned. "Then let's go!"
Lu Lu opened the wardrobe and gestured for Polly to come on in with her. Polly followed. Lu Lu quietly closed the door and whispered, "Lead me to Candyland, for it is my homeland. Where all tears are banned, so make it grand!" Polly watched, mesmerized, as the wardrobe slowly transformed into a path made of chocolate bars with gummy rocks lining up the border.
Polly started to drool. "Come on! I haven't been here in awhile." Lu Lu said and started walking. Polly followed closely behind. They saw candy cane trees and powdered sugar everywhere. "Can I eat them?" Polly asked. Lu Lu nodded. "In Candyland, no matter how much candy one eat, one will never get sick." Polly immediately picked up a handful of sugar and ate it. "Yum!" she said happily.
They walked and walked until they saw the kingdom. But something was not quite right. "Hide!" a voice urged. Lu Lu and Polly dived into a bush made of twizzlers and stayed quiet. Another doll came in sight and Lu Lu gasped. "Hannah?" Lu Lu asked. Hannah nodded and swallowed.
"Hella took over and pronounced herself Queen of Candyland!" Hannah explained. Lu Lu gasped again. Polly looked confused. Now it's Hannah's turn to gasp. "Lu Lu, why's there a hooman?" Lu Lu told her that Polly saw her so she bought Polly along. Also, she told Hannah, Polly was a human, not a hooman. "Who's Hella, though?" Polly asked.

Hannah frowned. "Should we tell her?" She asked Lu Lu. Lu Lu nodded. "Well," Hannah began. "She's actually Lu Lu's sister." Polly gasped. Lu Lu nodded to confirm this fact. "I suspected Hella might become evil, but I never knew it'd be this bad!" Lu Lu said. "We must be able to stop this somehow, right?" Polly asked.
Lu Lu nodded. "She always said she wished she had a human owner, but that's impossible for her since she has magic." Polly declared, "We must do everything we need to do in order to save Candyland!" Lu Lu smiled. "Thanks Polly, but exactly how are we going to do that?" Polly shrugged.
"But we must do something! Let's track down Hella first!" Polly said. Lu Lu and Hannah both agreed. "Let's go!" Polly shouted. They all began walking toward the Candy Kingdom, although they kept quiet and sneaked their way over. "No one wanted to guard her," Hannah said. "Then how'd she get on the throne?" Polly wondered out loud. "She possessed magic." Lu Lu replied. Polly's eyes widened. "That mean you have magic too?" Polly asked.
"No, she was truly special." Lu Lu replied. They began walking faster. After a while, they managed to get into the castle. "Is there any motivations for her?" Polly asked. Lu Lu shook her head. "We used to best friends, but then I was chosen as a doll for humans, so I guess she might've been quite lonely- wait, that must be it!" Polly was puzzled. "What?" She asked.
"She must have done that because she missed me so much, and honestly, I do too. But I can't come back as often nowadays." Lu Lu explained. Hannah frowned. "But then how-" A loud voice interrupted her. "Who dares enter this castle, I will strike with my spells." The voice thundered. Polly shuddered. "Is that Hella?" She asked. Hannah nodded.
A little doll came into sight and the doll immediately frowned as she caught sight of Polly and Hannah. But then she saw Lu Lu and burst into a huge grin. "Lu Lu! You're finally back!" Lu Lu ran toward Hella and they embraced. "I'm sorry," Hella said. "I just, I missed you so much I-" Hella began sobbing. Lu Lu hugged her again.
"It's fine, I forgive you." She said. Hella smiled at Hannah and Polly. "Thank you for making me and Lu Lu meet again." Polly and Hannah both smiled. Hella bowed and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help you?" Polly nodded. "Can you bring me home? Candyland has too much candy and I'm yearning for some, say, cupcakes."
Hella nodded. "No problem." Then she raised her hand and Polly was gone in a flash. Polly woke up to morning in her bed. "Aww, it was all just a dream," She said as she yawned and got ready for school. As soon as she walked out, her doll Lu Lu winked and walked toward the wardrobe. She went inside and said, "Lead me to Candyland, for it is my homeland. Where all tears are banned, so make it grand!" And she was gone.

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