Chapter One

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Slight AU where Sabrina and Harvey broke up a while ago and are now just good friends.

The greendale thirteen were arriving. Harvey refused to leave his house and Sabrina knew she was running out of time. Sabrina knew that the school's defense would not hold without her so she decided to call in a favor. Sabrina searched through the crowd of people until she found (Y/N).

"(Y/N), (Y/N)!"

You turn around upon hearing your name called.

"Oh hey Sabrina." You say nervously. You were quite anxious about the greendale 13 and you
never trusted Father Blackwood. "Do you need something."

"Yeahhhh you know that favor...I'd like to call it in." Sabrina says, slightly guilty.

And that's how you ended up here. Outside a mortals house. Right before the greendale 13 and the red death were arriving. You did not care what happened to this mortal but a promise is a promise.

You knock on the door, there stands a man, someone you had to admit, was gorgeous. Time froze. His luscious brown hair delicately covered his forehead. You stared into his remarkable deep brown eyes for a moment before he spoke, "can I help you?"

"I'm a friend of Sabrina's," you start to say before he rolls his beautiful brown eyes and begins to shut the door.

You huff in frustration and stop him, and push your way through, entering his home.

He blinked in surprise, "can I help you?"

"My name is (Y/N) and as I said before I'm a friend of Sabrina's. She sent me here to help you." You explain.

Harvey rolls his gorgeous brown eyes. "I don't need any help. As you can see-" he gestures to his rifle- "I got it covered."

It was your turn to roll your eyes. "That's not gonna hold up against any of the greendale 13. They're going to bust down your door to let the red death in."

Harvey looked at you in confusion. You huffed and let yourself into his house. "I need you to show me every window and door in this house. Now tell me are you the first born?"

"No...." he says trailing off. You raise an eyebrow. "That would have been.......Tommy." The pain in his deep brown eyes told you not to press any farther.

"Okay." You reply. "How about your father."

"Yeah..he's the first born."

"Oh great," You sigh.

Harvey gives you a confused look, "what does that have to do with anything?" his deep brown eyes are filled with confusion.

You sigh, you forgot how dumb mortals could really be. This one is luck he is blessed with such good looks. "The Greendale 13 kill firstborn, so your dad and I are the main attraction," you explain.

Harvey is silent for a moment, processing the load of information he just took in. After about thirty seconds of silence he spoke, "Okay, so what do we have to do, to you know, not die."

"Firstly, show me every window and door in this house. I'm going to have to ward them," you explain.

Harvey nods and does as you say, giving you a tour of the home. As you wander throughout the house you begin to ward each window. Harvey leads you to one last door. He stands there for a moment, his hand on the doorknob. "I haven't gone in here since-"

You look up at him, getting the message. Sabrina told you about what happened to his brother, how she messed up the spell, bringing Tommy back, but not completely. "You can stay out here if you want," you give him a pity smile, feeling bad for the mortal.

"Yeah, I think I will, thanks." he says relieved backing away.

You were a little nervous to go into the room yourself, knowing your second sight likes to show you scenes of great emotion. Nonetheless you enter the room and begin to ward the window. You are overcome with a feeling of sadness and regret as you witness how Harvey had to kill his brother. Luckily Harvey was distracted and his deep brown eyes did not see your eyes glaze over as your second sight kicks in.

You walk back out of the room.

"Is that it?" Harvey asks.

"Yeah now I just have to use the incantation when they arrive at the witching hour." You reply

"Wait so like. The witching hour is actually midnight??"

You fight back a smile at Harvey's foolish question. You reply "Of course." With a straight face. You cannot get attached to a mortal. Mortals are weak and you are not like Sabrina. You are a full witch and cannot have relations with mortals. 'You're only here for a favor. Nothing else.' You remind yourself. You and Harvey are both zoning out when the clock suddenly chimes midnight.

"Oh crap." You say as you run down the stairs to the front door. Harvey quickly follows and you face him and you quickly grab both of his hands. You shut your eyes and begin to chant, while chanting you have a thought, there was no reason you should have had to grab Harvey's hands. He's a mortal, this won't give you strength. As you're about to let go you you realize, Harvey is giving you strength. In a different way though, His soft hands, holding onto yours firmly. You feel safe. Your eyes may be closed but you can feel his deep brown eyes staring down at you, as you concentrate on the spell.

You can hear the wind blowing outside, there is banging on the door, you have to stay strong, for Sabrina. She would be absolutely heartbroken if something happened to her mortal friend. You can feel yourself growing weaker. You hold onto Harvey's hands tighter and continue to chant. You won't let anything happen to Harvey. How could you live with yourself?

It feels like forever and you are still chanting, you are growing weaker and weaker. You don't know how much longer you can keep this up. You hold onto Harvey's hands tighter and tighter. All of the sudden you hear a voice,

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" You open your eyes to see Harvey's deep brown eyes staring into yours, butterflies flutter in your stomach staring into them, "the wind stopped," he tells you, and he was right. It was silent. You let go of Harvey's hands and look out the window.

"Sabrina did it," you say smiling at Harvey.

You were very relieved. You didn't know how much longer you could have kept the spell up. You smile and look into Harvey's deep brown eyes. You realize that you are quickly becoming fatigue. You start to feel dizzy and break eye contact.

"I should probably leave-." You start but you fall over. You feel a pair of strong arms catch you before you pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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