Chapter 1

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"Help me Avi !" Someone yelled. Opening my eyes I saw what was once my camp where I had spent so many years . Jumping out of my bed I raced to my friend who was being drug away by a huge brown wolf .

"Let her go!" I yelled at the wolf and jumped , shifting in my wolf form. Her white-silver coat shone in the moonlight .

 The brown wolf growled at me but soon let my friend go and backed away

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The brown wolf growled at me but soon let my friend go and backed away. "Alex are you okay?" I asked her , as I watched her crawl towards me .
"Avi.." she whispered an held her hand out . When I went to grab it I heard my alarm go off.

Jolting awake from my dream I looked around , breathing heavily . I quickly got to my feet and turned my alarm off , looking for my phone . When I found it I saw that Alex had called me about four times in the past five minutes .

I sighed with relief , knowing my best friend was okay . Grabbing some clothes , I ran into my bathroom and turned the hot water on for my shower . Once I thought it was hot enough I jumped in and started washing my body . My hand landed on a scar that was right above my hip . The scar came from a fight with another rogue wolf that had come into my land around my house . I had the scar covered with a Blood Moon tattoo . It was small enough to cover the scar and make the full moon .

Washing my hair quickly I jumped out of the shower and wrapped myself up . I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them on and started applying some light makeup . Once I was done my doorbell rang . I lifted my head up and sniffed the air . Alex wasn't supposed to be here for another thirty minutes .

Walking out of the room and to the door I stopped in my tracks . Something wasn't right . The doorbell rang again and I smelled blood . I looked out of the peep hole and saw a guy around my age bleeding . How did he find this house ?! It was in the middle of the woods . The only known person to come here was a Rouge . He has to much blood in him it was all I could smell .

Opening the door finally he looked at me . His brown hair was a mess , but his blue eyes sparkled when I opened the door .

"I was starting to think no one was home." He was breathing quickly and looked to be in pain , yet I couldn't do anything but stare at him . "Are you going to help me or what wolf girl?" He raised a eyebrow at me then.

"Wolf girl?" I laughed softly . He must be a rouge . I said and walked away from the blue eyed boy . He followed me inside and I cleared off some space on my table for him to lay down. Once he did I got a wet towel and started cleaning his wounds and he soon fell asleep.

Sighing softly I let my mind wander . The boy moved slightly and I looked at him . He was shirtless and I couldn't help my glance at his abs . He was strong for a boy who must have been attacked . His breathing became normal again as I let him sleep longer .

Suddenly I felt a pull towards the boy , and my wolf , River , was howling loudly making my head spin.  "River calm down girl." I told her through my mind link . She quickly calmed down but whimpered ever so often. Shaking my head , I went back to my room because the boy had fallen asleep. Grabbing some pain medicine I walked into my bathroom and grab a glass of water for the boy and brought it back for him when he woke up.

Once I came back, Alex was at my door. Opening it up I smiled brightly at her. "Hey girl. 'Bout time you were here." I smirked and walked past her and closed the door behind me. Getting into her car we sped away to where we were going that night.


     Sorry for the lame first chapter y'all !! This is my first story , so I'm going to try to update as much as possible  . But due to work I might get behind . But anyway ,

~who is this mystery guy that just showed up at her door ?
~what was that pull that Aviana felt and River felt ?
~where are the girls going for the night ?

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