How it all started

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                         CHAPTER 1

Hello darlings :)
This story is about Froger and Breaky and how they "fell" in love ;)
( Tell me if it sucks tho )

1971 , London
Freddie's POV

Freddie couldn't believe it . No... It can't be right . He couldn't be in love with ... oh my ... he has a crush on ... that silly , adorable , blond boy , his banmate and BESTFRIEND !
He had known Roger for four years ... four bloody years , in wich he didn't know he had fallen so hard for the drummer . Roger was simply perfect  in Freddie's eyes ; he loved evrything about this angel : the emotion you could see trough his blue-bell eyes , his pouty little lips , his tounge stiking out when he was concentrated , his BODY ( like damn ) , his love for his friends and family , his little nose , the passion he puts when he's playing drums , and most of all the way he talks about every single thing . Hell , even when he's drunk Freddie listens to every dumb word he says . The black haired man loved everything about the drummer except one thing . He was the STRAIGHTEST man he had ever seen . Roger could just glance at a girl and she would do anything he wants .

The frontman , Brian and Deaky were at the studio starting to record "Liar" .  Freddie didn't know where the hell Roger was . Probably with another night stand (sigh). He wanted to tell all of them to be here , because , after months he decided to tell his bandmates that he was gay .
God ... Just the thought to tell them sended shivers down his spine . But ... he knew he nedded to tell them , they deserved to know the truth .
They started to recording for the next 30 minutes or so when Roger walked in without a care in the world .
-Where the hell have you been ? asked Brian with anger in his hazel eyes .
-Didn't we approved that we were gonna meet at 6:00 ?
-Bloody hell Rog ! Shouted Brian . "We said at 5:00 ! AT FIVE !"
-OK ! Sorry ... said the drummer making pouty lips . "Will you guys forgive meee ? "  he pouted a "sad'' face trying to play innocent .
-Fine. said John . Let's just do the record already .
-Come on darlings ! said the singer . he didn't know if it was the right moment to tell them . They all seemed tensed , especially Bri .
After two tiring hours they finally finished .
-It sounds - but Brian was cut off by Freddie
-Amazing , Marvelous , INCREDIBLE ! said Fred with a wide smile on his face
-Let's celebrate ! I'll bring the drinks ! Said the drummer with a cheeky smile on his adorable face . Freddie slightly blushed .
After one or two hours they all relaxed and talked about diffrent things like astronomy or engineering and of course ... girls .
Freddie decided to tell them now because he didn't know if he could find the courage to tell them . He intrerupted Rog and Bri and said :
-Darlings I need to tell you something very important ...  . He looked at Roger , he looked confused and curious at the same time
-Yes Fred ? said Deaky in a calm and reassuring voice .
-Imayornotmaybegay . Said Freddie nervous
-What ? Said Bri .
-I'm ... ( little sob ) I'm gay ... said Freddie with watery eyes .

Oh love ...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora