Warmth in the Winter

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Hey guys! So this is my first Hetalia fanfic, and I've co-written it with the amazing VHudz333. Check her out if you haven't already :)


A chill swept over the Italian as a soft, cold breeze blew against him. It was wintertime, and the country could never get used to the freezing temperture. Shuddering, Italy gripped his coat, pulling it close to his body as his teeth chattered. He exhaled, watching his breath turn into a small cloud in front of him. Brushing a strand of brunette hair out of his face, Italy lifted his gaze to the houses lined in a long row to his right. Warmth spread across him as he spotted Germany's home, a wide grin spreading across his face.

In no less than a minute, Italy had sprinted across the sidewalk, reaching his friend's door. Snow fell in the Italian's hair, but for once the weather didn't bother him. Grinning toothily, and suddenly forgetting that Germany was sick due to the excitement that surged through him, Italy rapped his knuckles in a rhythm against the wooden door.

"Germany!" he cried, still knocking.

"OI! VEST, YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND IS ERE!" yelled Prussia, looking out the window and then to his sick little brother on the sofa.

"H-He's not my-"

Prussia rolled his eyes. "Vhatever, I vill get zhe door!" he yelled, making his brother's headache worse.

‏As soon as Italy spotted Prussia in the doorway, his smile, somehow, stretched out even wider.

"Ve~ Prussia!" He gave a slight wave to Prussia. Suddenly remembering the state Germany was in, his smile faltered a little as he asked, "How is Germany? You said he was sick?"

Prussia shrugged. "He vill be fine. He just haz a cold. And I called you over so zhe awezome me dozen't get zick again!"

Germany growled from the sofa. "Could zou shut up a little bit, Prussia!"

Prussia smiled. "Pleaze, he'z in a pissy mood, zo I thought a friend could help him."

"Germany!" Italy skipped up into the house. Grinning, he ran to Germany lying on a couch, an ice pack on his head, a thin sheet clinging to his sweaty body. Kneeling down to him, the Italian set the back of his hand to the blonde's forhead. He gave a dramatic gasp upon discovering how hot his skin was.

"You're really hot!" Italy exclaimed, standing. He then beamed and said, "Don't worry! I'll make sure you get better! I'll get you a new blanket, medicine, some hot pasta, drinks, more pasta, a lot of pasta..."

Germany just sighed and let the Italian blabber. He had been avoiding him since the whole Valentine's Day thing. And now he was here, taking care of him. Not that he really minded, but he was still really embarrassed about it all.

Finishing his long list of supplies and food (mostly pasta) needed for the sick country, Italy spun around on his heel, calling to Prussia upstairs, "Prussia! I'm making pasta for Germany! Do you want to help?! It'll be fun!"

Prussia grinned from upstairs and yelled, "NO! ZHE MOST AWASOME ME HELPED ENOUGH! ...But can I have zome pazta?"

The Italian nodded. "Okay!"

Italy hopped up and into the kitchen, opening the cupboard and scanning through the various packages to find any kind of box of pasta. He gasped in joy upon spotting three, blue, rectangular boxes, each one a different kind of shape. There was bow ties, angel hair and macaroni. The Italian contemplated for a moment as to which kind of pasta he'd make for Germany, but ended up shrugging and deciding to cook them all. With lighting speed, Italy began filling pots up with water.

Warmth in the Winter (GerIta)Where stories live. Discover now