Nothing Special

269 11 3

Ch1. Not Special, Just Annoying       

Sasuke's POV

I have only lately seen my new item of annoyance... A bright sunny blonde following me, every mother fucking time I step out of my house! I have no clue why this little weirdo is following me, but, he is. I go to the grocery store and look over to the window... There he is, smiling and leaning in. I get to my drive way after work and he is on his bright orange bike, just sitting on the curb... Still smiling.

I don't see why he is so interested in watching me, nor how he as the stamina... Considering most of my schedule is night oriented...Well, now to say the little bit of possibly important information; I am a vampire... No kidding. I am. A very aggravated and annoyed, old vampire who has no patience.

But, off of me, and back to my pathetic stalker. I believe he is a high school student at Konoha. I wish he would run along with his little friends and leave me alone. If he was dared to follow me, then I can slightly understand... Everyone in this pitiful little town is weary of me.

I guess the nice thing about him is, is that he isn't trying to break into my house and cut off my head or something like that. Or that he isn't like the ravenous fan-girls I used to have that tried to pin me down in a club and rape me. So, I'd have to say, for living for 400 years, he is probably the most considerate stalker I have ever had...

 (Begins blinking vigorously)



M95: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Poor Sasuke, losing ur mind over that little runt still?

S72: Yes... :(

M95: LOL!

S72: Why are you laughing at my eternal turmoil?

M95: Because u r not only cute, but pathetic 2!

S72: -_-”

M95: What?

            User “S72” has logged out of chat

            User “ICU” has joined the chat.

ICU: Is everything ok?

M95: Your brother is having a mental break down...

ICU: I don't blame with having to deal with you.

            User “ICU” has logged out of chat

M95: Oh poor me, all alone... Ha! Ha! Ha!

            User “M95” has logged out of chat

He rose and stretched, then moving his feet to the proper position he pushed himself out of the chair and walked to his window, looking out and around... No stalker, all is good. For now. But, now is good, honestly.

He turned to the fridge and opens the silver contraption that he swore would one day fall and crush him for all the years of abuse. He pulled out a packet and placed it on the table, the red fluid inside sloshing from one side to the other. He grabbed scissors and made a small incision; carefully he pulled the packet to his pale lips and began feeding.

After he got his fill he set the empty blood packet on the table and walked over to the front door. He sighs and opens it, stepping out. “No point in wasting such a beautiful night.” And there he is, rounding the corner on that damn orange bike. Sasuke breathes and begins to walk away; hoping if he ignored his little human stalker then there would be no worries of exposing himself.

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