Chapter one

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A/N . This is my first fic and it's jalex (duh) I really need feedback so comment and vote. Also if you want to help me work on the plot line message me I would really love that. I hope you like it . -indi


Alexes pov:

I wake up to see Billie joe staring at me in the eyes .and I make an unpleasant sound as I role off the top bunk of my bed onto the soft couch cushion I had placed there the night before to make my landing as sound as possible the next day. I look around at my poster covered walls and stacks of records lazily stacked on my desk and night stand. I walk over to my dresser and quickly change into a blink-182 shirt and black skinny jeans. My usual attire for a weekday. I slip on my vans and grab my backpack. Stuffing all my school supplies into it .Looking at the clock as I leave I realize I'm late for hell. I mean school. dulaney high is more of a prison than a school though. It's students the inmates. If I could just get away from this place . I would be rid of the cruel lifestyle of this town and everyone in it. Well everyone except one guy. I've only seen him a few times here and there. He's not in any of my classes. But he's passed me in the halls . And once ,vic, oli and mike we're beating me up for god knows what reason .and he came up and started yelling at them to stop and fighting them for me. After a wile they left and he helped me up . Than walked away before I could even thank him. I never could figure out why he did this. Maybe to impress his latest "girl of the week". I don't know. All I know is that he's the only person who's ever helped me like that. Why would you want to? I'm just the fag of the school. That one worthless gay kid who will never fit in. Who would ever love me? Certainly not my parents. My dad hits me and throws things at me every day and my mom just watches and does nothing.except sometimes even cheers him on. I miss the days when my dad wasn't drunk all the time and when my mom stood up to him sometimes. But it doesn't matter. Nobody loves me. It's ok. I just wish I could love myself so no one had to...I walkout of my room and slowly walk down the stares making shur my father doesn't notice me just incase he's drunk. I'm at the bottom of the stares when I hear footsteps in the upstairs hall. And I run out of the house. Not bothering with breakfast I run down the street. And the next street. Till I'm about three blocks from my house and the school is across the street from me. Students pile in the front entrance and I slowly walk towards the stone building myself. When I get to the entrance I see that Vic and mike are standing in front of my locker. Ughh ,not today.

I walk over to them and oli comes up behind me.

"Hey, gay-scrarth" Vic says intimidatingly. Both mike and oli laugh at his joke.and I look down

"Just let me into my locker please" I say still looking down.

I hear them laugh and oli and mike hold my arms as Vic throws his first punch.After a wile My nose is bleeding and it hurts a lot And I hear footsteps behind us and feel my arm on mikes side let go .I punch oli in the balls and he collapses and I look up at the boy punching Vic in the face and I'm speechless to see that it's the boy from last time. His skunk hair swaying as he punches vic over and over till he falls to the ground.

"Come on" he says grabbing my hand and running down the hall "whats your name ?" He asks

"Alex" I answer.Out of breath

" hey Alex. I'm jack" he flips his hair and holds out his hand to shake and I take it.

"What's your homeroom? "He asks

"Science A" I answer. Breathing heavy.

" really? Sweet. I just got transferred into that class today" he says

"Great . Want me to show you where it is?" I say. But really on the inside I'm fangirling like a 13 year old. Because he's actually talking to me. And I actually know his name.

"Shur" he replies .and his eyes light up. "But we better get you cleaned up first " he says motioning towards my nose.

"Ya. Your probably right" I say and we both head towards the boys bathroom.

When we're there ,we clean my nose off with wet paper towels and we both wash our blood covered hands. Than we head towards the scienceA class room. When we walk in we're greeted my an angry looking science teacher and a room full of snickering students.

"Your late" says mrs. Niels

And we both look down and take our seats next to each other in the back.i look over at him and he does the same to me. We both blush and look away. Wait DID I JUST MAKE MY MYSTERY GUY BLUSH? I did. YAY.

" now because music effects the brain so much everybody grab a partner and we are going to do a presentation about our favorite band and how they're music effects our brains" says mrs. Niels

I look over at jack and he nods. We position our wood desks so we're facing each other. And we wait until mrs. Niels tells us to begin talking about our interests in music.

"So jack? What music do you like?"i ask hesitantly.

" well foo fighters. He says pointing to the logo on his shirt. And. Blink-182 . Nirvana. Green day . New found glory . Stuff like that" he answers

" that's exactly what I like. No way." I say pointing to my blink shirt.

"Great. What should we do for our presentation?"

He says

"How about blink?" I say

"Thats exactly what I was thinking"he replies

"Than blink it is"I say

This is great. I have a guy that's Actually my friend in my class and I think I like him. What am I saying. He's probably strait. But whatever. I hope I don't screw this up. Because he's my first Freind since my freshman year.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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